Just In
for Stone of Fire

6/17/2023 c26 KittenKatt1
Awesome story! Thank you for your hard work!
11/5/2022 c2 Amargi'sNodachi
Why were the uchiha rebelling?
11/5/2022 c1 Amargi'sNodachi
This was probably made before Kushina and Mikoto’s relationship was known
7/26/2022 c24 Guest
Woeful chapter can't wait to read the next ones
7/25/2022 c23 Guest
Hmm the emo is real strong here
7/25/2022 c22 Guest
Very awesome chapter!
7/25/2022 c21 Guest
Wonderful chapter!
7/22/2022 c19 Guest
Love the fact that rin got to come back and Kakashi is less depress
7/22/2022 c18 Guest
Well this chapter was a bit of a roller coaster it had it highs and lows and though a bit confused why they haven't been punished horrible for leaving the village and trying such a dangerous stuiped task to fight orchimorie
7/22/2022 c16 The king of ducks
Wonderful, just wonderful! Love the slaughter fest they got to do!
7/21/2022 c15 The king of ducks
Wonderful chapter, didn't them go off and do that right now but I guess I will have to read on and see how this goes!
7/21/2022 c14 The king of ducks
Awesome chapter!
7/21/2022 c13 The king of ducks
Loved this chapter it built up to the next one nicly!
7/21/2022 c12 The king of ducks
That ending had me cracking madly hahaha
7/21/2022 c11 The king of ducks
Very nice chapter, glad that for once Lee did not get hurt and garbage ain't this super blood thirsty monster.
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