Just In
for The New Uzumaki Clan

12/9/2020 c2 kilimnikveronika6
Naruto can't be 25 years old, if his daughter is 16 years old. He should be at least 32 years old! I'm not hating, I really love this fic, but the ages are not logical. And if Naruto is 25 years old, then his daughter should be at least 9 years old. I mean, if I'm right, the minimum age to have a child is sixteen, I think? Please don't be upset, I love this fic, I just want to know how old they are. It's very confusing. I mean who would have sex with a nine year old, and then give birth to a child of the nine year old? Its just very confusing, I'm sorry if youre upset.
4/1/2020 c18 Guest
Reference to Ouran High School Host Club (Hikaru and Kaoru as brothers)?!
4/1/2020 c16 Guest
I am reading this on the 1st of April 2020...
SO this time for real...

(Shitsuki baka?! _)
4/24/2018 c3 Flawef
You think school is its going to kill me not you
3/5/2014 c10 1LouiseUchiha
Eh not Sasuke is uke!
3/5/2014 c1 LouiseUchiha
Ok. This Sasuke is really Occ but he is so cute :3
4/27/2013 c1 Kawaii-Akuma-Chan
Wow! Cool story so far! Just remember to check up on spelling and grammar ;)
2/12/2013 c18 25thecartoongirl22
Awesome and cute story!
8/28/2012 c18 1RainsShadows
-eyes sparkling- (Totally amazed) That. Was. GREAT!
6/13/2012 c18 MyLiloITAChIassasin
grt story.
5/20/2012 c18 thelastunicorn
i love this story. it is really good.
8/17/2011 c18 xhiiibax
awesome ^^

i love itt

the ocs and plot line are awesome

and its really well written

just one thing, whenu first see the fic it says the pairing in narusaku

just thought u shud no

i really enjoyed this fic :D
2/24/2011 c18 Sebby-chan3000
wow...just wow...this story is the only story so far that has left me speechless...fantastic XD
10/24/2010 c18 4Thisismedealwithit
Really good story ^~^ i enjoyed reading it. it was sad at some parts but thats how it goes in the world of naruto. im going to look into your other stories. but i need to go to sleep :P i would really love it if you read my story and gave me your opinion
10/23/2010 c12 Thisismedealwithit
your story is amazing! i love it. i sorry i didnt review for the other chapies its just when i get into a story thats good i find it hard to stop
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