Just In
for As Long As Your Mine

4/9/2010 c1 8marylinevelyn
The song intervals were a little awkward but I love the scene between them. Totally believable.
3/25/2010 c1 9La Caterina
This is a wonderful scene! I'm sad there isn't more. My only complaint is that you used the wrong 'your' in the title, it should be you're and thus I had a hard time finding your fanfic a second time.

This is exactly how I would picture a scene like this.
6/1/2008 c1 14The Devil Wears Westwood
Awh! That was sweet!
5/25/2008 c1 My-Little-Emmilette

*tears up*

that was so beautifully written!

all the emotion, the raw passion! it was unbeliveable!

Amazing one of my favs!


3/18/2008 c1 I-Hate-Bananas
brilliant robin/marian, loved it nicely written :)

chanel xx
3/14/2008 c1 7LadyRobinHood
Thought i would check out some of your other stories haha

this was soo sweet. prue Marian/Robin goodness...*happy sigh*

and now i have to get that song! haha
1/22/2008 c1 35Aleisha Potter
Hey Girl!

That was really good! I love sappy song-fics! You know the ones, where you go, "Ah!" No seriously, it was very sweet and well written! Kudos!

~Live Long and Prosper~

12/30/2007 c1 Sis2ACsrSalad
Good love scene :D And I really liked how the song tied in well with the details and such. Thanks.
12/29/2007 c1 1110000111100001111000111
That was really well written. Poor Robin, always worrying about whether he's messed up again or gone to far!

The characters were spot on and the song fitted perfectly.

Paula x
11/9/2007 c1 23WhisperedMuse
I really liked it- the song choice was great ;) Love the beginning!

But as a tip for next time, instead of putting the lyrics in capitals, can you put them in normal case and use italics instead? Having them in capitals takes the focus away from the story and more onto the song, and anyone who knows the song (like me) would rather read what you've made up yourself :D

'It is from the Broadway musical Wicked!' Copyright Stephen Schwartz and Winnie Holtzman *nods* You may want to stick that in too, just in case.

Do you write for Wicked? I'd love for you to post it on the section here if you do! (Wicked section in misc. from the home screen if you weren't sure- it took me an age to find it! lol) It's quite a small community, but we're a bit bigger than this one. It's odd that I've found more people into Wicked writing for other fandoms, we need to advertise more, half of them didn't know there was a section :rolleyes:

Anyways, think about it, you're a great writer.

Kate x

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