Just In
for The Hood Academy

7/18/2015 c46 moustache
Loved it!
10/30/2012 c46 3edwardfiend
Beautiful story! I loved it. :)
2/19/2012 c46 4LadyofHuntingandHobbits
Wow. I have just spent like 3hours reading this and I am thoroughly impressed. What an amazing story! I loved it, from your writing style to the story itself. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.
4/19/2010 c46 25luvmyangelofmusic
this has been one hell of a story.

your a brilliant writer.
4/19/2010 c37 luvmyangelofmusic

wedding Bells!

hope marian and robins child is okay they deserve the happy ending!

4/19/2010 c30 luvmyangelofmusic
okay first good luck on your finals! :D

and i am loving this story it's really quite funny! Will and Djaq are keeping me in hysterics and this hysteria over Marians pregnancy is quite tense.

u rule
4/18/2010 c18 luvmyangelofmusic
haha it's nice to know that they're all okay (cept will)

lolz telling the father in law...

i love this story so much your brilliant!

can't wait for the next season of robin.
4/18/2010 c8 luvmyangelofmusic
i love this story!

poor will and djaq!

and lolz 2 robin and marian.

curse that allan
10/14/2009 c46 3mikenewtonisabadass
aw! I finished all 46 chapters yay! That was so sweet. I loved it, well done. off to the sequel!
10/13/2009 c3 mikenewtonisabadass
haha best 'invitation' ever

'anyone who possibly might like to come to the stream might possibly come down to the stream, because that's where i might possibly be. by the stream.'
6/29/2009 c46 10Miss.Hood
This was beautiful, simply beautiful. Also it was very well written.
6/28/2009 c4 Miss.Hood
So far this story is very good. And it is true, we women are confusing. At least the Gang realize this!
5/21/2009 c46 28DestinChild
Great Job. Very well thought and entertaining. I can't wait to read the sequel
2/28/2009 c2 8Esmerelda Diana Parker
*laughs* im reading this story again cuz i can and I love this chapter...cuz Little John is very smart in saying "Men Are Idiots"
10/13/2008 c46 HereNowWhoo
very well done. great story.
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