Just In
for Devil's Angel

12/27/2013 c1 natsuki23
Wow, this is so interesting!
5/19/2011 c1 hi
sounds a lot like

10/11/2009 c1 KatsuomiMashiRo
This is a very intriguing stiry!

one of the best i have ever read

thanks a lot for this awesome story ^^
2/7/2008 c1 Loralie Skye
Just lovely lovely :) Love it soo much haha reviewed all three ^.^ *offers plate of cookies* :)
11/15/2007 c1 reicheruchan
wow... this is really nice! will there be a sequel?
11/15/2007 c1 20SashaJade
absolutely worth a sequal! please!
11/15/2007 c1 4Kokou
This has to be one of the most twisted things I have read in a long time...I love it! The details were so exact, and the whole Devil!Harry and Angel!Draco thing is awsome. This is a really original fic. Personally, I think you should make a sequel.

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