Just In
for On the Way to an Easier Life

3/7/2008 c38 14The Devil Wears Westwood

3/6/2008 c38 11Jacqueline Roget
3/5/2008 c38 8Mizco
Yay, Will and Djaq are engaged. That's too cute.
3/5/2008 c38 8Esmerelda Diana Parker
*claps excitedly* me likie! Me really like it! I love Will/Djaq!
3/5/2008 c37 Esmerelda Diana Parker
*shakes head* at least those two aren't fighting...yet...Update...
3/5/2008 c37 36LittleMissMaster
hw far along is marian nd whewn wwill uw update
3/5/2008 c37 11Jacqueline Roget
2/29/2008 c36 Jacqueline Roget
2/28/2008 c36 14The Devil Wears Westwood
i luved it. good thing you update, i'm stuck in the hospital and i luv this story!
2/27/2008 c36 2Rosie Pevensie
lol poor vaisey! he is evil but i think we all love him for it! i hope this sin't the end coz i luv this story! please update soon if it isn't the end x x x
2/26/2008 c36 8Esmerelda Diana Parker
Since when was Life easy for anyone? If life were easy, where would be the point in living?

UPDATE! Will/Djaq fluff? Robin/Marian fluff? Both?
2/24/2008 c35 11Jacqueline Roget
Robin is too hood hearted sometimes.
2/23/2008 c35 36LittleMissMaster

not to be hanged!

whats come over him.
2/22/2008 c35 8Esmerelda Diana Parker
hm...Why does he not Want the sheriff to hang? does he want the sheriff to suffer? Update please...
2/22/2008 c34 Esmerelda Diana Parker
I understand Robin needing to be with Marian...and All the outlaws feasting...BUT WHY DOES ROBIN NEED TO SEE THE SHERIFF?
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