5/9/2021 c1 Victory Slytherin
I am going to say three things:
1. Your story is interesting and I hope it's NS, even though I find Sakura too selfish and cruel to use Naruto even though he doesn't complain about it.
2. I hate Sasuke. You don't know how much I hate him.
3. When do you update? Because I'm really dying to know what happens.
I am going to say three things:
1. Your story is interesting and I hope it's NS, even though I find Sakura too selfish and cruel to use Naruto even though he doesn't complain about it.
2. I hate Sasuke. You don't know how much I hate him.
3. When do you update? Because I'm really dying to know what happens.
8/16/2011 c1 Dude
I guess it's an ok plot but seriously not even Naruto is strong enough to put up with sakura being with sasuke. Thats just too much. I do like the idea of naruto being with Ono but I think sakura shouldn't be happy in this fic, considering how she is treating naruto. If anything sasuke should abandon Sakura after he gets kids and leave Sakura to watch on the sideline as naruto and ink get closer. Well thats my idea anyway. Good luck and I just hope your still alive to continue this story.
I guess it's an ok plot but seriously not even Naruto is strong enough to put up with sakura being with sasuke. Thats just too much. I do like the idea of naruto being with Ono but I think sakura shouldn't be happy in this fic, considering how she is treating naruto. If anything sasuke should abandon Sakura after he gets kids and leave Sakura to watch on the sideline as naruto and ink get closer. Well thats my idea anyway. Good luck and I just hope your still alive to continue this story.
7/3/2009 c1 divinemendy
Wow the first chapter alone had me captivated and i have totally been there before when your head over heels for someone and then you have to listen to someone else talk about how much they luv them ugh! heartbreaking. But i luv this story and i hope you write more
Wow the first chapter alone had me captivated and i have totally been there before when your head over heels for someone and then you have to listen to someone else talk about how much they luv them ugh! heartbreaking. But i luv this story and i hope you write more
4/13/2008 c1 agent sabog
Great story, I can't wait for the next chapter, so please do update soon.!
Great story, I can't wait for the next chapter, so please do update soon.!
12/1/2007 c1 Marked For Deletion
I really thought this was one the fics where Naruto looks like a absolute sucker throughout the fic. "O sakura i love you so much, if sasuke comes back you can go be wiith him i won't hold you back. But naruto-kun i love you so much i don't want to leave i'll never leave I won't. Hey i'm back i killed by brother... bye naruto."
After finishing the chapter then reading the beginning authors notes i realized naruto handled sakura like a straight pimp.
Love, Lust and Lies & The Ties That Bind. Lust, Sakura & Naruto barely had a conversation, it seems that they were killing time in between erections, the closes Naruto came to being showed he is loved in this chp was the convo he had with Shinzue about Sasukes return. Can't wait for the lies to begin, hope naruto actually finds love (even though he ain't the main character)
(great job in getting me to read a fic in which sakura is the main character your one of two, and like the other you sure as hell didn't disappoint.)
I really thought this was one the fics where Naruto looks like a absolute sucker throughout the fic. "O sakura i love you so much, if sasuke comes back you can go be wiith him i won't hold you back. But naruto-kun i love you so much i don't want to leave i'll never leave I won't. Hey i'm back i killed by brother... bye naruto."
After finishing the chapter then reading the beginning authors notes i realized naruto handled sakura like a straight pimp.
Love, Lust and Lies & The Ties That Bind. Lust, Sakura & Naruto barely had a conversation, it seems that they were killing time in between erections, the closes Naruto came to being showed he is loved in this chp was the convo he had with Shinzue about Sasukes return. Can't wait for the lies to begin, hope naruto actually finds love (even though he ain't the main character)
(great job in getting me to read a fic in which sakura is the main character your one of two, and like the other you sure as hell didn't disappoint.)
11/29/2007 c1 Raptor2001
Damn! cliffhanger i love tat ... i wonder Sasuke said about that? i know Sasuke and Saukra dont have sex since she dont want it .. but she already did with naruto ... no wonder Naruto is daddy! i love Ninja Drama!
Damn! cliffhanger i love tat ... i wonder Sasuke said about that? i know Sasuke and Saukra dont have sex since she dont want it .. but she already did with naruto ... no wonder Naruto is daddy! i love Ninja Drama!
11/29/2007 c1 Lullaby18
OMG! Awesome!
I love it! One can really feel with the characters...
I like NaruSaku, SasuSaku and SasuSakuNaru, so I'm quite open for almost everything. (I just don't really like Ino and I hate SasuIno, so...)
Nevertheless you've done a great job so far and I think you gonna keep up with that!
Please more!
OMG! Awesome!
I love it! One can really feel with the characters...
I like NaruSaku, SasuSaku and SasuSakuNaru, so I'm quite open for almost everything. (I just don't really like Ino and I hate SasuIno, so...)
Nevertheless you've done a great job so far and I think you gonna keep up with that!
Please more!
11/29/2007 c1
Oh man... Now I feel conflicted.
First of all, lemme tell you that your story is quite excellent. I am completely in awe at how descripitive, and... engrossing it is. Absolutely amazing. Truly.
Second, there few things wrong, but they were editing errors and I think you might have misplaced a name or something, but that is (obviously) no big deal. Very good. lol
(Oh golly, I predict that I'm going to type like a thousand words in this reveiw lol But it must be said.)
Third, I read a couple of the other reveiws, and I think you should ignore some of the reveiws from the NaruSaku fans. Now first I must say that I am a big time NaruSaku fan, and it is without a doubt my favorite pairing. But... (oh boy...) I am, first and foremost, a big time fan on reading stories. Now I don't know what you're intentions are on the rest of the story. (and I don't want to, it'll spoil the story for me, and I don't want that! lol) But I hope that you won't sway to the will of crazy NaruSaku fans on what you do with the rest of your story. At least not entirely. Just because it's NaruSaku (and I'm sure you said it was) doesn't mean I don't want to see some SakuSasu. But don't get me wrong, I dislike SakuSasu with a passion. I haven't even read a single fanfic on it ever! But I can tolerate as long as it's well written stuff mind you, so I won't be afraid to read if you wrote a bit of it. (lol) So what I'm saying is; even though it's Naruto and Sakura, doesn't mean Sasuke and Ino being thrown in there isn't going to ruin the story for me. Now, while I may be a reveiwer in the minority, I feel very strongly about how a writer writes what they feel should be in the story, not because some reveiwers say that you should adhere to some invisible code that NaruSaku must be NaruSaku the whole ride or else every they'll hire someone to hit you with a bus.
Fourth, I may be a bit biased or clouded (I may be, I'm not sure lol) Sometimes, like to watch Sakura squirm a bit. She is my favorite female character in the story 100%, but I sometimes I like to see what it would be like if Sakura watched Naruto move on. Why, I don't know, but I can't help feeling that way. It's probably because I'm a terrible person. :)
But seeing the ending of that chappy, I could see why that would be absolutely heinous for Naruto do.
Also, I was excited to see Ino having interest in Naruto, because I wanted see Naruto getting some attention from someone other than Sakura (because going back to Sasuke was really REALLY messed up!) But in light of the end of the chappy... I honestly have no clue what could happen next. Honestly. (That is so cool! lol)
So basically I don't know what to say after that... hehe
Summing up (and to make this to look more into a reveiw):
I think your story is excellent (And it's been only ONE chapter! Slap on a "The End" at the bottom, and I this could've been a whole story! OK, I may overexaggerate a bit, but I especially enjoyed the length! But I know that that may have been hard to do...)
A little more editing would have made it perfecter if that makes sense, try not to go out of your way to please some of those reveiwers, and I hate/love the ending to the chap.
But (and you may know this, I feel that you are a LEAST a tad intelligent) you can choose to listen to this ridiculously long reveiw. I don't want you to feel that I'm telling what you what to do, and may have already known some of those things I told you. You may be offended by whatever I had to say (and if that, I am sorry). But I had to say it, and I'm sorry that I did it in one of your reveiws.
I am absolutely afraid to see this reveiw after I hit submit, but Imma shut up now. Thanks for this excellent story so far, and I'm looking forward to reading it.
Oh, and top and asdf said it, Naruto needs to be bludgeoned with a blunt object. Really.

Oh man... Now I feel conflicted.
First of all, lemme tell you that your story is quite excellent. I am completely in awe at how descripitive, and... engrossing it is. Absolutely amazing. Truly.
Second, there few things wrong, but they were editing errors and I think you might have misplaced a name or something, but that is (obviously) no big deal. Very good. lol
(Oh golly, I predict that I'm going to type like a thousand words in this reveiw lol But it must be said.)
Third, I read a couple of the other reveiws, and I think you should ignore some of the reveiws from the NaruSaku fans. Now first I must say that I am a big time NaruSaku fan, and it is without a doubt my favorite pairing. But... (oh boy...) I am, first and foremost, a big time fan on reading stories. Now I don't know what you're intentions are on the rest of the story. (and I don't want to, it'll spoil the story for me, and I don't want that! lol) But I hope that you won't sway to the will of crazy NaruSaku fans on what you do with the rest of your story. At least not entirely. Just because it's NaruSaku (and I'm sure you said it was) doesn't mean I don't want to see some SakuSasu. But don't get me wrong, I dislike SakuSasu with a passion. I haven't even read a single fanfic on it ever! But I can tolerate as long as it's well written stuff mind you, so I won't be afraid to read if you wrote a bit of it. (lol) So what I'm saying is; even though it's Naruto and Sakura, doesn't mean Sasuke and Ino being thrown in there isn't going to ruin the story for me. Now, while I may be a reveiwer in the minority, I feel very strongly about how a writer writes what they feel should be in the story, not because some reveiwers say that you should adhere to some invisible code that NaruSaku must be NaruSaku the whole ride or else every they'll hire someone to hit you with a bus.
Fourth, I may be a bit biased or clouded (I may be, I'm not sure lol) Sometimes, like to watch Sakura squirm a bit. She is my favorite female character in the story 100%, but I sometimes I like to see what it would be like if Sakura watched Naruto move on. Why, I don't know, but I can't help feeling that way. It's probably because I'm a terrible person. :)
But seeing the ending of that chappy, I could see why that would be absolutely heinous for Naruto do.
Also, I was excited to see Ino having interest in Naruto, because I wanted see Naruto getting some attention from someone other than Sakura (because going back to Sasuke was really REALLY messed up!) But in light of the end of the chappy... I honestly have no clue what could happen next. Honestly. (That is so cool! lol)
So basically I don't know what to say after that... hehe
Summing up (and to make this to look more into a reveiw):
I think your story is excellent (And it's been only ONE chapter! Slap on a "The End" at the bottom, and I this could've been a whole story! OK, I may overexaggerate a bit, but I especially enjoyed the length! But I know that that may have been hard to do...)
A little more editing would have made it perfecter if that makes sense, try not to go out of your way to please some of those reveiwers, and I hate/love the ending to the chap.
But (and you may know this, I feel that you are a LEAST a tad intelligent) you can choose to listen to this ridiculously long reveiw. I don't want you to feel that I'm telling what you what to do, and may have already known some of those things I told you. You may be offended by whatever I had to say (and if that, I am sorry). But I had to say it, and I'm sorry that I did it in one of your reveiws.
I am absolutely afraid to see this reveiw after I hit submit, but Imma shut up now. Thanks for this excellent story so far, and I'm looking forward to reading it.
Oh, and top and asdf said it, Naruto needs to be bludgeoned with a blunt object. Really.
11/29/2007 c1
Wow... nothing to say but wow. This is really awesome. I mean it was really well written and wickedly good. I mean the way you wrote everyones feelings it was so descriptive and very detailed. I felt so bad for Naruto-kun too and now Ino-chan has some interest in him... and now this last line of the chapter... wow so much to take in.
I love this I cant wait to read more. ^-^, Great job.

Wow... nothing to say but wow. This is really awesome. I mean it was really well written and wickedly good. I mean the way you wrote everyones feelings it was so descriptive and very detailed. I felt so bad for Naruto-kun too and now Ino-chan has some interest in him... and now this last line of the chapter... wow so much to take in.
I love this I cant wait to read more. ^-^, Great job.
11/28/2007 c1 uzukun7
i really like this story but naruto really just cant be this nice. i mean its either that or his feelings for sakura arent as deep as he makes it out to be. i mean the way that sakura initially reacted to sasuke when he came back was what naruto should have reacted to sakura when she went back to sasuke. i mean he cant just possibly just throw his feelings away nobody is that selfless especially someone like him who has been faithful from the beginning. right now he's doing the opposite of love which is not feel anything about the situation. i know he says that he understands where they are coming from, but the highly emotional naruto we have all come to grow and love wouldnt let this happen without fight. the reaction you painted in this story is of someone who didnt even have a loving relationship, as if sakura and naruto never shared love. the girl supposedly loved him enough to selfishly want him to fullfill her desires. oh well. naruto should probably kick her selfish ass out of his life now coming groveling back to him because shes pregnant. besides all that i do think you did an excellent writing this fic. i hope you update soon. laterz
i really like this story but naruto really just cant be this nice. i mean its either that or his feelings for sakura arent as deep as he makes it out to be. i mean the way that sakura initially reacted to sasuke when he came back was what naruto should have reacted to sakura when she went back to sasuke. i mean he cant just possibly just throw his feelings away nobody is that selfless especially someone like him who has been faithful from the beginning. right now he's doing the opposite of love which is not feel anything about the situation. i know he says that he understands where they are coming from, but the highly emotional naruto we have all come to grow and love wouldnt let this happen without fight. the reaction you painted in this story is of someone who didnt even have a loving relationship, as if sakura and naruto never shared love. the girl supposedly loved him enough to selfishly want him to fullfill her desires. oh well. naruto should probably kick her selfish ass out of his life now coming groveling back to him because shes pregnant. besides all that i do think you did an excellent writing this fic. i hope you update soon. laterz
11/28/2007 c1 Anonymous
So many plot twists. This is a great story and just keeps getting better. For awhile I had turned against Sakura for ditching Naruto AGAIN, and was seriously hoping he would go with Ino, but if Sakura really is pregnant then I just don't know. Great chapter, update soon.
So many plot twists. This is a great story and just keeps getting better. For awhile I had turned against Sakura for ditching Naruto AGAIN, and was seriously hoping he would go with Ino, but if Sakura really is pregnant then I just don't know. Great chapter, update soon.
11/28/2007 c1
HOLY SHIT! That was so col!
I'm really happy that you started this story. I've been waiting for it since I read your one shot, but this is above and beyond my expectations. Ya know you are really good at hooking your readers! I think I'm addicted...seriously. Any way can't wait for the next chapter, and Keep up the good work.

HOLY SHIT! That was so col!
I'm really happy that you started this story. I've been waiting for it since I read your one shot, but this is above and beyond my expectations. Ya know you are really good at hooking your readers! I think I'm addicted...seriously. Any way can't wait for the next chapter, and Keep up the good work.