Just In
for Chronicles of the United Nations Starfleet

5/23/2024 c1 2k+Hawki
-It’s okay. Not much to say – basically an info-dump, but it still works as a prologue.
3/2/2021 c1 Guest
Great start for a great crossover between Gundam Seed and Star trek.
Hope to see more chapters very soon.
Keep up the great work.
9/25/2014 c1 22edboy4926
Short but interesting.
Though I will admit that I would side with the ones that took the people (the Federation is a joke) but would come up with a very good excuse as to how they got their instead of just saying they kidnapped them.
4/26/2012 c1 thunder18
enjoyed reading this chapter
9/19/2011 c1 9Robo Reader 21
Please continue. I'm not a hard core Trekkie but I do like it and what I like I research.

Sounds to me like those guys are Section 31 and I can indeed see thing from their POV of what's happening in the Federation. I don't understand why you can have some muscles with diplomacy. Its always one or the other with these guys. Glad how the captain said the the Bloody Valentine war is silly, maybe he was being too kind with his choice of words. I would have call the war and the reasons for it stupid and retarded.

After Code Geass I can actually grow to respect even like the guy if he goes the path of Lelouch, willing to die if it completes his goal for the betterment of the Federation.

Those scientist they kidnapped will be a great character study depending on their mind set, like what their own opinion are with natural and coordinator. Their opinion on their kidnappers and I wouldn't be surprise to say that the Humans of the Federation are physically stronger and smarter than any coordinator thanks to more advance medical technology.
12/1/2007 c1 20CSS Stravag
Well now, You will need to forgive me, I am not a Trekkie of any flavor but I am willing to step out of my usual bounds on occasion. All things considered, I think I like where this one is going, bringing and mossing MS into the ST universe, then sending them back after all is said and done, this could cause some major ruptures in the events of GSD. I like the premise already.

I would like to see who this Order of Siegfried really is, at least partially. They sound like the serious kinda bunch that would step out and whoop arse on anyone that poses a threat to their ward. People like that I always seem to find interesting, something about their willingness to do the right thing is refreshing from the do-nothings IRL.

As to transferring the other GS story you did to the GS section, I advise you do so. Prior to moving my GS-based crossovers from Anime Xovers to GSD realm, I wasn't getting crap for reads, now I actually am getting some. Also, Thx due to ye for adding my stories to your C2, though I get the feeling I am the only subscriber to it, maybe?

Keep 'em both coming, comrade, I find there may be some lessons to be learned here at more than one level.
11/28/2007 c1 73F-14 Tomcat Lover
I've got one question.

What's up with all these Star Trek and Gundam Crossovers?
11/28/2007 c1 10kookith
this sounds really interesting~

i've never really watched startrek, except for prolly one or two episodes when i was you might need to fill me in on some of the details...haha~

anyhow, update soon please!
11/28/2007 c1 19readerofgoodfanfiction
to Author HeavyarmsBuster-01 I am honored, and according to your notes your story would be quite interesting and I am looking forward for the rest of the story.

11/27/2007 c1 1Infinite Freedom
Well this looks interesting. So what are the pairings?

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