Just In
for Gordon's Whale

2/28/2013 c10 6TBMom
Just found and read your story - very enjoyable.
11/21/2008 c10 12spinkle22
You finally updated! Great last three chapters. I'm glad Gordon's forgiven in the end :)
11/21/2008 c10 14UltimateOptimist
Great ending! I'm glad that everything worked out in the end :)
4/14/2008 c7 12spinkle22
I love this story! Update soon! Spinky :D
3/24/2008 c7 2Raven Artemis
aw. :( poor Gordy. but at least he's got a new apreciation for his job. but man, is Jeff gonna be TICKED!
3/17/2008 c7 jendarra
Poor Gordon, all that searching and it's International Rescue who finaly gets the whale free.

But who was in Thunderbird 4?

Always ready for the next chapter
3/17/2008 c7 1foxee-chik
wow! keep goin! i like it!
3/16/2008 c7 14UltimateOptimist
ooh is Gordon going home? Really good.. deffo worth the wait! (Dont worry about late updates - havent update mine for ages - oops) Hope you Ud soon.. really want to find out what happens next
3/3/2008 c6 jfklsadjvkldsajghfkdfhgdjkfsh
Poor Gordon! He's not seeming to do anything right at the mo. great story haha i just find it really funny he actually hit a whale. Please update soon!

Luv bigteddy
2/26/2008 c6 fanfic.lover1644
Ooh, you're really ratcheting up the tension even more... Gordon doesn't deal well with ultimatums does he?

More soon, I hope. Thanks, Beth Palladino
2/26/2008 c6 jendarra
Now that was really dumb Gordon.

Great chapter, loved the rescue.

Please update asap
2/26/2008 c6 UltimateOptimist
Wow, well i'm glad gordon is ok but i dont think disobeying jeff is a bright idea! This is another really good chapter... hope you UD soon
2/15/2008 c5 jendarra
Gordon upsetting John is not going to help.

Great update, interesting characters on the boat.

Update soon please
2/14/2008 c5 64epalladino
Poor Gordon, just doesn't get any breaks. Thanks for the great update, Beth
2/14/2008 c5 14UltimateOptimist
Another really good chapter - although making John angry isn't a great idea Gordon, he's the only one that can help you! This story is really good... hope you update soon
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