Just In
for Meliana's Chance

6/23/2008 c5 GinnyStar
I can understand that well. They are the oil that keeps places working if be Wyer,Hold,or Hall.
6/23/2008 c2 GinnyStar
Good story. I enjoyed very much. It's diffent. As said befoe I feel with the female blue rider with the one eye. Right now I trying to work out just using the sight from one eye. My other eye only has some light perspetion in. Sorry about the spelling it been a long. day.
6/23/2008 c1 GinnyStar
So far so good. I am still somewhat new at this. But good story so far your blue female rider, reminds me of myself I can realy see out of only one eye, from birth.
6/23/2008 c13 34D. M. Robb
Welcome back! Congratulations on getting through your exams. This was another great chapter! I'm now curious to see how Melly will do at the Hatching. She deserves a gold but, I suppose, one never knows.:-) Don't keep us waiting too long for the next installment!
6/23/2008 c13 4RNS Intrepidwriter
what a great chapter. somehow i knew that as this celibration was going on the eggs would start to hatch. i just hope that they manage to find enough seats for every single dragon rider in the hatching grounds.

hope that you did well on your exams.
6/23/2008 c13 mance-rayder
Yes! The hatching is starting!

Very nice last scene there. Melly is awesome, and people finally realized that.
6/13/2008 c12 Cynthia
This is a great story! *pouts* so close and it ends? I'm looking forward to the next update!
4/21/2008 c12 17RaineArilan
HA! You think I don't know, but I have watched too many episodes of Law and Order. I think that's genius! It makes so much sense!

:hugs: You updated you beautiful person you! You made my day.
4/21/2008 c1 2Terrance M
Excellent, great story line and a plot to draw the readers in. I look forward to more than just twelve chapters!

Keep up the great work.

-Best whishes!
4/21/2008 c12 4RNS Intrepidwriter
great chapter. i hope that they're close to the cure now. melly knows what started it, i think. hope so at any rate. keep up the great work
4/21/2008 c12 Pathseekerme
Do go on! Don't stop there!
4/20/2008 c12 34D. M. Robb
Yes! I am so glad you updated. I feel so bad for Kalla and the others and now wonder what will happen to the baby. My only nitpick is very minor. It's the line 'Who the shardin' hell is Meliana?' that is in the first section. I don't think the Pernese would use the word "hell" since theirs is a world without any kind of religion and therefore they wouldn't use swear words having to do with an afterlife, dieties, etc. I could be wrong but it was something I noticed.

I am continuing to love this story and anticipate your next update!
4/20/2008 c12 173Starsinger
Oh, great, leave us hanging will you? Hurry up, please, I'm growing impatient! Good chapter!
4/10/2008 c11 4paisley is a kind of pattern
hello there. the atmosphere of uncertainty in the weyr is very effective; i can empathize with k'beth's aimless wandering. just one thing about the candidate girls. they're too emotionless. i guess after what, a couple of weeks of being locked in the weyr with people sickening and dying all around them, they would be desensitized to a point. but they did know ranna and yevessa, the girls who died. shouldn't they be affected more by their deaths, and afraid? other than that, wonderful chapter. thanks for writing.
4/7/2008 c11 17RaineArilan
Oh. Fantastic. A story so Pern that I can pick it up without any problems, but so original I don't get annoyed by OOC-ness. I love the characters and the plot is very detailed and all-inclusive. I'm impressed. And I want to know how they're going to fix this. Will it because of the map? Update!
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