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for Harry Potter and the Invincible TechnoMage

6/25/2024 c24 N. A. Wennerholm
Quite frankly I think the Wizarding world needs a scare that they can not continue as they have since the rest of the world will not put up with their behavior and actions any longer. Even Dr. Doom doesn't like what he has seen and heard that has been going on with the U.K. magical community. I know Elizabeth would continue to put up with their crap. May she rest in peace in fact with what I have been seeing I don't think she would be too happy with Charles right now.
6/24/2024 c3 geoslim21
The apology to that bastard snape makes no sense. he was in the wrong not harry. but im guessing your another snape fanboy
6/16/2024 c8 1trend breaker
i was interested but theres to many damn flash backs if your going to have that many just nake it the beggining if the story or another book all together
5/29/2024 c1 5KzintiKiller
The muse on this one pack up and flee the country? A genuine pity. Very creative and entertaining.
5/2/2024 c14 Vampireking40
As I was a cub scout and did build two pinewood derby cars. I love the idea of Harry having been a cub scout. Only someone like Tony Stark could create a pinewood derby car that could do that. Who is the person that called Hermonie a mudblood and which Slytherin is he talking too. It seems to be possibly Greengrass and Bulstrode.
5/2/2024 c9 Vampireking40
Great chapter as always. Love the appearance of Jennifer Walters aka She-Hulk. What she did to Lockhart was great. Now Lupin will make an appearance a year earlier then cannon and Sirius Black is a free man. At least he is seeing what Harry said as logic and will do his own thing to get to know Harry better and not follow Dumbledore orders. He is now an adult and does not have to do whatever his old headmaster saids any longer.
3/22/2024 c12 Batmanwolf738
Please don't put harry with hermione, ginny or padma. He should be with Julie Powers
3/13/2024 c25 Guest
Great story!
Please finish your story, have a great week.
2/28/2024 c1 Judy
I'm not sure if you're updating a story under another name or if the story is plagiarized but just in case it's the latter. Here's the address u/16148663/aerie2
3/1/2024 c25 djennys
peut on espérer une suite malgré toute ces années? j espère en tout cas! au plaisir de vous lire!
1/26/2024 c25 KnowInsight
Great story. Glad to have found another great Tony as Harry's dad story. :D
1/25/2024 c1 LennyFaceSupplier
httpsdiscord. gg/aCtqGer5
1/15/2024 c4 2Sandytris
All your characters are just mouthpieces to what you, as the author, want to talk/rant about.
Makes the story bland imo.
1/14/2024 c10 Vampireking40
I made a comment on a later chapter about the diary you responded to. This chapter makes it seem to me that Ginny has the diary as it is clearly stating the one writing in the book is related to the Weasley.
1/13/2024 c13 Vampireking40
How does the diary go from being in Ginny possession to Luna possession. It is even said she had the diary from the beginning. Yet in earlier chapters all the conversation between Tom and the one with the book was with Ginny.
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