Just In
for Flowers in Winter

12/26/2007 c10 3EruthiadwenGreenleaf
This is a wonderful story so far! Please don't delete it...continue! I can't wait to see what happens in Hermione's lessons with Snape :) Update soon!

12/21/2007 c9 A. nonomous
Good chapter! This was very creative. The amount of cruicos he dealt with is amazing! Could you offer an explanation as to why Severus was able to come out of crucios with merely a deep faint when the Longbottoms, highly trained aurors, suffered insanity?

The actual bravery and courage was impressive though and was fantastic.
12/19/2007 c8 A. nonomous
I Almost forgot something in my last review:

Thanks for the explanation of when this is taking place. It really is appreciated!
12/19/2007 c8 A. nonomous
The stuff you told us about snape was fantastic this chapter! Is his old master someone we know or your own character? Great story! Now I can't wait for the meat of lessons!:)
12/19/2007 c7 A. nonomous
Wow! This chapter got exciting very quickly. i loved how you mentioned "Again". I assume Snape has been hurt like this before. (But you know what happens when you assume!) Great job!

If you decide to respond to pathetic old me, your random response topics is elastics... do with it what you will!
12/19/2007 c6 A. nonomous
hilarious and totally "Snapeish" ( is that even a word? It is now.) This was great. You do a fantastic job from Snape's POV.
12/19/2007 c5 A. nonomous
This is by far the best chapter you've written. It s very well-written and organized. Hermione's reaction to her little scene with the headmaster was very realistic.

I would also love to see Ron and Harry a little more as well as their reaction. Again, great job!
12/19/2007 c4 A. nonomous
Wow. Now I'm really curious about the time period because our Hermione is NEVER rude. She is tactful and subtle. I need to know now what brought about the change.

The dialouge is getting better but still sounding scripted. Overall, good.
12/19/2007 c3 A. nonomous

First things first, please don't delte this fic. i really like it and will faithfully review to keep it here. Now, on to other things. This chapter was really good and I like this one the best so far. the dialouge seemed slightly forced and unnatural but was also good in that you didn't spoil TOO much, just enough.

So I plead again, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't delete this fic. Thanks:)
12/19/2007 c2 A. nonomous
This is pretty good. I really love Hermione's thoughts. It sounds more like Ron to me, but was definately funny. Anyway, this whole Snape-stalker thing is kinda creepy. Could you please introduce Ron to save the day.

Now, I'm going to ask a question that will make me seem like a complete imbecile: what time period is this? I'm still not sure. And what has happened to make Hermione so upset?

Okay, my random topic of the day to review on is pencil-sharpeners. I really like the electric ones with a clear top. You can watch the sharpener go round and round and round and... so what do you think? Am I a random babbler or can you actually use my pathetic drivel?
12/18/2007 c7 Banzai.Bandit
F*ck, is Snape going to remember saying that? If he does, PLEASE don't make it seem like he's not furious. Lord knows he would be.
12/17/2007 c5 6foxtrot run
you've got some interesting ideas here. i think you should keep going, you're doing pretty well so far :)
12/17/2007 c1 3a little erratic
ok, I am going to try VERY HARD NOT TO FLAME AT YOU. because, of course, thats not my style. instead i am going to give tips and hints.

1. You should actually ATTEMPT at a summary. Read. is not a good summary. You have some incredible potential in your writing. i can tell that you could really write something good, so let people know that.

2. Longer Chapters. At least five pages on Mircrosoft Word is a good length for chapters. Otherwise, people will lose interest quickly.

Keep those in mind and you'll have a great story on your hands!
12/17/2007 c1 Banzai.Bandit
Seems like a good story so far. Keep it up. I'm adding it to my subscription list.
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