Just In
for Flowers in Winter

7/1/2008 c24 65debjunk
Lol, she talks to her books and they talk back! That's hilarious. Too bad Hermione and Severus hate each other, they seemed to be getting along before that realization of who the other one was.
6/30/2008 c24 3Snape's Only 1
That was an excellent chapter. Of course you had to have Flitwick walk up right when the two of them were getting somewhere. Not exactly a cliffie, more like teasing the reader. Please update soon if you can. I really want to know what happens.
6/27/2008 c23 1omgahitsbritt08
ah...Update soon. You left a
6/26/2008 c23 65debjunk
Evan sounds like someone you love and hate at the same time. Update soon. It will be interesting to see Severus' reaction to Hermione when they both get to Charms.
6/26/2008 c23 reader
Improving in each chapter, keep up the good work
6/25/2008 c23 Banzai.Bandit
Pretty good, keep up the good work! Next chapter should be when they finally catch her...(HINTHINTHINT)!
6/25/2008 c23 3EruthiadwenGreenleaf
Glad to see you back among the living I have a headache though trying to read through that very very long paragraph *wink*...great chapter I must say anyways! Please update soon!

6/25/2008 c23 3Snape's Only 1
YES! Another chapter! I loved this one. It seems very different from some of your previous chapters. I can't wait ot find out why she was sent back to her seventh year at Hogwarts. When you were describing Evan, I was so sure it would be a Malfoy. That was a nice surprise. Please update soon, well if you get enough reviews.
5/13/2008 c22 17wingsrookie
ah! Bad, bad stopping place! I can't wait! I'm practically salivating! Please post more!
5/10/2008 c22 Indy Rose
I love it! Even if it is a little confusing at times. Thanks for sharing.

Lexie x
5/5/2008 c22 1omgahitsbritt08
Update thsi fanfic.
5/4/2008 c22 3EruthiadwenGreenleaf
Glad to see you are still alive lol...good chapter! The only issue I had was the first part of the chapter where everything was put into a was kind of hard to read, but that is my only concern! Please update soon!

5/3/2008 c22 65debjunk
Hey, life's life. Glad you got an update up. I liked your portrayal of the Slytherins, especially the quiet when they were sorted. Very interesting. I'm eager to see where you go with all of this.
5/3/2008 c22 3Snape's Only 1
This is one of my favorite chapters so far. The introductory paragraph's wording was absolutely beautiful. And then to see you write in the style of teenage boys, lol. That was great! I love how you kept the seriousness of Snape even as a teenager; a lot of fics I've read about him at that age fail to capture that aspect of his personality. Excellent chapter period. I completely understand about the long break in between chapters. Sometimes life just happens whether we want it to or not.
3/31/2008 c21 Banzai.Bandit
I'M SO SORRY DON'T KILL ME! Anyway, I would go for an internal debate, Hermione vs. Sorting Hat, have her put in Slytherin, and then put her through her first day.
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