Just In
for Flowers in Winter

12/30/2007 c13 2JC-Shakecasso
you did great, not cheesy! ;) keep it up! can't wait for the newest chapter.

~ ShadowC
12/29/2007 c1 23whitehound
Hmm - well, it's well written: the style is readable and flows quite well, conveys an emotion clearly and so on. OTOH I'm dubious about how in character it is: although Hermione sometimes gets tearful when she feels neglected, the Hermione we see in the books tends to react with aggression rather than self-hatred or weakness. If she felt Harry and Ron were taking her for granted I think she'd be more likely to attack them in some way - send them a Howler, maybe - than become suicidal.

Btw you've got an error of word-use or spelling (and it's repeated several times, so it's not just a typing error). The term is "break down", not "brake down" - that is, "break" as in "cease to function", not "brake" as in "stop moving", even though that makes equally good sense.
12/29/2007 c12 65notwritten
This was a good chapter. Update please when you can. Have a good weekend. Keep smiling. :-)
12/28/2007 c12 7Siriusluver-le
You may not like it, but I think that this chapter is the most outstanding thing you've written so far.
12/28/2007 c12 interesting
you have low self esteem. i think you did a real good piece of work with this chapter. really, i like the systematic and pragmatic approach:)..way to go! keep updating yeah?
12/28/2007 c12 3IAmTheBadWolf315
No way was the the worst ever, this was one of the best chapters so far, I'm in love with this chapter seriously, all the detail, and you could really tell she is starting to have feelings for him, Bravo :)

I'm over halfway done with my next chappy,I'll try to have it up tonight.
12/28/2007 c12 66debjunk
oh wow, that was really great. I had to laugh at the "intruder alert" line. Thanks for the longer chapter. It was just right. Can't wait for the upcoming confrontation/discussion with Severus, however you decide to do it.
12/28/2007 c12 3EruthiadwenGreenleaf
That was definitely an intense chapter! Wonderful but intense...I'm interested in seeing whats going to happen when Severus gets back to normal and realizes that Hermione saw his memories as well... Great work!

12/28/2007 c12 4treadingfantasy
Best chapter yet. :)
12/27/2007 c11 65notwritten
Interesting Chapter today. Please continue on. Keep smiling. :-)
12/27/2007 c11 66debjunk
Can't wait to see the actual lesson. Will he see her memory about his murmurings in this first lesson, or will that come later? There were a couple of typos and missed periods here and there. Also, I'm always up for longer chapters, but that's just me.
12/27/2007 c11 magnificentmeg

Loved this one. So cool1 Way to cliffie and not tell us anything! But otherwise fantastic! :)
12/27/2007 c10 magnificentmeg

first I hope you get this since excatly zero of my reviews have gone through on this story so far. But whatever! Anyway if this one goes through, let me say, (again) Awesome story! I actually am enjoying Snape's point of view . he's actually an interesting guy when you seem him through different eyes!

Anyway, Great job!
12/27/2007 c11 Louise
Can't wait to see the lesson! Is it going to be at Grimmauld Place or Snape's office? Maybe GP, with a nice dark red Victorian settee for Hermione to fall on after the strain! :)
12/27/2007 c10 Louise
Very very nice! LOVE getting inside Severus' head! As much as he hates it. And I was truly touched by the description of his feelings in the classroom after a meeting with you know who. Brilliant!
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