Just In
for A Saracen Lady

10/13/2008 c1 Kim
Hey, love this story, please can you write some more!

3/15/2008 c1 39QueenoftheWilderwest
Tut tut. Women can fight. Women can fight very well. Espically Djaq. And Marian.
1/13/2008 c1 6LittleMissSparkles
Such a sweet story. Will/Djaq are so perfect.
1/10/2008 c1 nicky18
love the story! a sequel would be great!
1/9/2008 c1 18XMelvdsX
I loved this.
12/20/2007 c1 4lovespeaks2me
This seems oddly familiar. Hm, well to each their own. Either way, it was pretty good. Went a bit too quick, I think. There is a way of not rushing a one-shot story like this one. Some of the moments could have been more drawn out to make it more of a scene than a set of dialogue. Some of your descriptions were good, but I think you should have mentioned the village a bit more because after a moment, instead of imagning a village, I started imagining an empty meadow. Odd, right? Well, on to the relationships. Marian and Robin's relationship was really good, even though it was briefly mentioned. Will and Djaq's seemed a bit off, just because of characterization because at some points Will and Djaq seemed a bit out of character. It was the things they said that were out of character, not the actions. I see Djaq opposing Prince Tucah and basically resisting the marriage, especially if he were to come to her. Maybe not so much if she were back in the Holy Lands. Umm... didn't really see much of the other characters, I liked Much's little comment, though. It made me laugh. Haisa struck me as a scrawny little fellow. Was he? I definitely saw weakness in him, and I like how you portrayed that through his actions. Well, good job!
12/20/2007 c1 14The Devil Wears Westwood
That was really good... Hm... gives me an idea... cuz I have been brain dead 4ever.
12/20/2007 c1 146ImagingThings
That's great! Him Tucah really should think twice before claiming girls can't fight!
12/19/2007 c1 8Mizco
I love it when Marian kicks butt. What a sexist pig.
12/19/2007 c1 2El Gringo Loco
Loved the story. Thank you for sharing it with us.
12/19/2007 c1 39redrose7856
Very good, but it went a bit too fast. That's my only nitpicky thing. Otherwise great!

12/19/2007 c1 happy person
so squeeful! feminist!marian.

*collapses into incoherent pile of squee*
12/19/2007 c1 14Socksycherry
no, I say that she's Will's princess. Sweet little one shot. Automatically love anything Will/Djaq. Loved the idea of her being a noble, and center of attention (not including Will's attention, whichj she's always center of).

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