Just In
for The Oasis and Other Zutara Stuff

7/30/2008 c1 6Purple-Jasmine
So sweet! Oh my gosh! One of the cutest and romantic fics I ever read. I am a sucker for a good Zutara fic. Keep writing!
1/9/2008 c8 10MelancholyMuse519
I like your review poem. I also liked this chapter. :-) The idea of penguin sledding is ADORABLE!
1/9/2008 c7 MelancholyMuse519
Cuteness! I giggled a lot while reading this...yay! :-)
1/9/2008 c6 MelancholyMuse519
Very nice job. I especially enjoyed "I like her indirectly". :-)
1/6/2008 c8 defunct111
Cant wait for the next one!
1/6/2008 c7 defunct111
yay! I really love this one, a lot! Cant wait for the continuations!
1/3/2008 c7 1Salallie
I'm obsessed with the Stephenie Meyer books...Eclipse is by far my favorite of the three...though Jacob Black tends to irritate me...
12/26/2007 c6 defunct111
ha, love it!
12/24/2007 c5 10MelancholyMuse519
Haha, very nice! I liked how the tone of the story went from annoyed to rationalizing to sort of lovey dovey. Good job! :-D

Merry Christmas!
12/24/2007 c5 defunct111
Ha! I really like this one! A lot!

Stupid hormones ;)
12/23/2007 c4 MelancholyMuse519
Aw! Yay for fluff!

Seriously enjoyable writing. Can't wait to see what's next!
12/23/2007 c3 MelancholyMuse519
That was so sad! I especially enjoyed the last paragraph. Good good job! :-D
12/23/2007 c2 MelancholyMuse519
Very nice! I like emotional breakdown & comfort type stuff. I could picture everything very easily too. :-)
12/23/2007 c1 MelancholyMuse519
All that in 1.5 hours? Nice job!

I really enjoyed this. Onto chapter 2!
12/23/2007 c4 defunct111
I like it! Really awesome!
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