Just In
for Devil's Angel Book Three The Clash of Paradises

10/11/2009 c1 KatsuomiMashiRo
Why does Gabriel have to do this~

being targeted by someone you love is very painful

He hurts his son in both ways

physically and mentally

that's so cruel~

Anyway~ another incredible episode

Thx for the story ^^
2/7/2008 c1 Loralie Skye
Please you must continue ^.^ Lovely series I just love it love it love it xD you have to continue pls...
1/23/2008 c1 Flaming Jello
I absolutely loved this series! you NEED to continue! anything else would be below your talents! I just cant wait to see what you have to show the world. You have my support. Please continue this.
12/23/2007 c1 reicheruchan
wow! great story!
12/23/2007 c1 4Kokou
Please write the fourth! I'm hooked. I'm not sure if I mentioned this in one of the other reviews, but this plot is completely original. The descriptions are marvelous. Gabriel's betrayal, and the results of it, were carried out exceptionally. Keep up the great work and, once again, please write the fourth installment.

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