Just In
for How To Entertain A Bard

12/26/2010 c1 deletedaccount140968028947
You rule.
10/23/2010 c1 15Sylwia Kiley
mischeif, maddness an Stefan oh my! are you going to tell us what delightful mayhem our bard is going to cause?
5/7/2009 c1 BentJustice
*chuckle* Cute! I like the mischief-making! Perhaps sometime a story of just -what- Stefen did to torment Van is forthcoming? One does so hope! This was delightful!
3/7/2009 c1 Mirane
Very nice. ^^ So light and funny. Loved it. Only point of critique: not enough!

So what did Stef DO? Please, do tell!
3/6/2008 c1 15Wynjara
Well? Do we get to find out what Stefan gets up to? *weg*
3/1/2008 c1 Fawn
And how does he plan to do?

...Trickle, Buzz, Chirp, Trickle, Buzz, Chirp... He doesn't plan on tell, does he?

Anyway, I like it.
2/8/2008 c1 149Yami no Ryu
That was cute. I wish I knew was Stef was going to do to our poor Herald-Mage!
2/2/2008 c1 amenohi-kie
It was good I enjoyed it! ^^ wasn't cluttered everything was nicely spaced. I liked the playfulness. Well done!




The Ditty did it for me!

It filled me with such glee.

It made me laugh and chuckle,

and so, some more, I plea.
1/16/2008 c1 62Stormshadow13
Oh! what doesour fav Bard have in mind.

Oh, Oh, hope you write more.
1/14/2008 c1 5Morgan5318
As a long-time Misty reader, I found this to be incredibly amusing. Trickle. Buzz. Chirp. I loved it - but I also have to wonder what Stefen had in mind. Keep writing. It was lots of fun.
1/3/2008 c1 10JKatrin
I giggled. But I would have liked to have had a glimmer of what Stephan had in mind...

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