Just In
for How the Koopa Stole Christmas

12/24/2007 c1 carlo707
haha cute and funny merry christmas
12/24/2007 c1 PrincessPeachandDaisy
Hahahahaha! I love the part when Bowser started yelling for help and the part when Bowser said bye to Peach and she said shut up!

FUNNY! WOOT! Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!
12/24/2007 c1 12RulerofFire
HAHAHAHAHAHA! I loved this story! VERY funny!

You: Mario, put your leg down and step away from the fire hydrant!

Mario: Whoa! My bad!

I was lmao!
12/24/2007 c1 6Nicktendo46
LOL This is so random!

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