Just In
for To Be

9/21/2009 c12 7Taeniaea
Great Story
12/4/2008 c12 12miyucamui
I am really begging you to update. I really want to know what happens! Your story is far from horrid, I assure you. I will beg more...:D please...onegaishimasu!
11/5/2008 c12 14Kiyosaisei Ichimaru
I hope that you get your inspiration back soon! I really enjoyed this!
4/15/2008 c12 17Illidan the Half Demon
Hmm, interesting. So, Hibiki may not make it. That sucks, but I'm sure he won't die that easily. After all, he's been a fighter all his life, and I wouldn't expect him to die that easily now. Great job on this chapter.
3/24/2008 c10 Illidan the Half Demon
Interesting... Hmm, I can only guess who the robed person was, hehe. Good chapter. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens.
3/5/2008 c9 Illidan the Half Demon
*Spiral eyes* Did I miss something from Chapter 8? Maybe I'm just not putting two and two together I suppose. Is Kira under that guys control or something? Lol, I'm just confused I suppose, hehe. Anyways, I'm interested to see what happens.
2/15/2008 c8 Illidan the Half Demon
I don't like the sounds of that. Poor Midori may not look quite so lovely after this round. I can't wait to see what happens though.
2/4/2008 c7 Illidan the Half Demon
Heh, very cute chapter. Roy still hasn't put two and two together yet, but I'm sure he's getting closer. LOL! I figured Russell would have recognized Ed possibly, but that's cool that he didn't. Other than that, nice chapter. I'm looking forward to see who or what attacked.
1/22/2008 c6 Illidan the Half Demon
Heh, very interesting chapter. It's cool about taking some time to post this. Things happen to where you can't sometimes, so I don't mind. I'm looking forward to the next chapter to see what Mustang has to say to Ed, I mean Hibiki, hehe. Great chapter!
1/9/2008 c4 Illidan the Half Demon
Heh, things are getting interesting now. Roy has an idea on who he is I bet. LOL! That was cute with the whole group thinking Kira was Envy. Even more interesting are the healing transmutation circles of Kira's. Things are definitely growing more and more interesting by the chapter. Excellent job on this one. I look forward to the next chapter!
1/4/2008 c3 Illidan the Half Demon
Excellent chapter! I thought the transmutations were quite good for the final exam. LOL! Figures Winry would try and shop for all of them. Things are looking up at the least. Again, great job. I look forward to reading more.
1/2/2008 c2 Illidan the Half Demon
Very interesting story thus far. I think your story is off to a great start, and I'm looking forward to reading more of it. Heh, I have a feeling those three are in a bit of a disguise, hehe. But anwyays, great chapters. I look forward to reading more.

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