Just In
for Shadows of an Angel

3/29/2011 c3 butterfly girl
Update! I like it. And want to know what happens next! :D
5/30/2009 c3 6Agent Kittens
Please update this story! it is really good... in a kinda sad way.. BUt still very good :P
7/8/2008 c3 1Re-Used
Yay. I like it.

Very Slytherin, maybe Harry'll just get pissed enough to... Something?
3/15/2008 c3 24Kyla Mizuki
Ah, I really really love this story! You need to get over that writer's block...! Poor Harry though... Man, he's really got it rough! I like how you have Draco and Severus really out of their element here, and I like the fact that they want to help Harry but they're still in character...! I love it! I'm going to reply to the e-mail you sent me after this, haha. xD Cool story! I really love it so far! Awesome job! xD
3/14/2008 c3 16hA-UkA
I think you've done a good job with what you've done so far.
3/5/2008 c3 L Pherrin
Really really good. Posh i'd say. you need to write more! it's way too good! better than mine, which is called: "Like The Unlikely". you might like that story. if not, i apologize. but nice story! very detailed, and as horrible as it sounds, very macabre. i like it! i like that dark foreboding and the horrors that harry encounters. gives him depth and makes the plot take an interesting twist! once again, a tip of the hat to you, my lady. splendidly well done!


dante pherrin
2/27/2008 c3 Mebumewomebumafu
Ohh I liked this.

I feel bad for Harry. u.u

And I love how sly Snape was, all like, "Mwahahaha, drugs." .

I don't even know, it's 3 in the morning. I have school tomorrow.


Oh by the way, really good description on everything, I liked that a lot. =) Keep up the good work. ^^
2/24/2008 c3 Imsosleepy55555
Very nice story so far, love it! Great work with characters and plot! The Flashbacks are very well done =]. Definitely looking forward to reading more! Keep up the awesome work!
2/13/2008 c3 17Ahmira Zaraelys
That last line just gave me the most lovely set of scenarios. *snicker* I can't wait until the next update to see how things progress!
2/11/2008 c3 2VanillaSlash
Slytherin of Snape indeed! I feel sorry for Snape and Draco. Compassion isn't there thing thus far.
2/11/2008 c3 disgruntledfairy
Wonderful story! I LOVE it. I'm really excited to see what happens next. Hoping for another chapter soon. Until then! :)
2/10/2008 c3 GalynSolo
Right pissed indeed. but Harry may have 'them' in the corner instead :)
2/10/2008 c3 Momochuu
I think that's hilarious! Hahaa, Yes very Slytherin of Snape. Hahah!
2/10/2008 c3 13DerangedxandxSarcastic
very Slytherin indeed, that was great!

I love the chapter! it was great, I can't wait for more! and to know what Draco andSeverus are deviously going to try next!
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