Just In
for Marian, Don't

11/17/2008 c1 GoldenAshes
I'm a little confused as to whose POV this is-Little John's?

Not bad, though pretty much the episode from a different POV.

As for Lucy Griffiths signed on for 3...I assumed she was going to be a ghost. Who knows...
2/10/2008 c1 8Esmerelda Diana Parker
why does she have to be so stubborn?
2/7/2008 c1 2emeraldlily06
This is a really good story. I'm a bit confused as to who's POV its being told from though.
1/7/2008 c1 4razmataz13drums
that was realy good. extremely well written. im still not quite sure whos p.o.v it was in- probably Allans.
12/31/2007 c1 29Rosie-Jess
Very good, but how did you fidn out she was signed on for the third series?
12/31/2007 c1 23WanderingWhisperer
That was so sad! i loved it.

I really hope Marian is in the third series, it wouldn't be the same without her. I don't know how they're going to bring her back from the dead though! i mean they buried her!

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