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8/14/2021 c1 Guest
I hope you continue this to a novel! Its really interesting
11/14/2018 c1 vlxsv
so cute hahaha
5/31/2018 c1 297699767660
that's just so naruto, trying to help everyone!
1/22/2016 c1 AmethystQtpie
hahahaa the last part is hilarious!
4/6/2015 c1 gummy b3ars
haha! i loved it!
3/12/2012 c1 7LM22102
Standalone was fantastic, thank you.
12/30/2011 c1 5HoshiNoTsuya
I loved it! hahaha it was so fun reading this.

So even in an AU Naruto saves both Hinata and Neji. That guy is a sun. The dialogues were well thought :)

Horrible singing and outrageous colors, that's so like Naruto :D

The last line was a killer. I laughed like crazy xD And now I really want to know how did that court date turned out to be .

Thanks for writing this delightful story :)
8/5/2011 c1 8Dragonrails
funny story you should've added a second chap to it!
10/6/2010 c1 1Soulsercher996
Oh,dear!I don't want to be a pervert,but man!There will be a lot of passion and smexy scenes in their relationship...later...I wish you could made more chapters and turn it into a BIG,HOT,FUNNY and ROMANTIC fic ;) I know you have the skill, you have the courage ;)
5/26/2010 c1 3infiniteternity
Incredibly cute! This was so much fun to read and I was kind of sad when it ended lol. Uzumaki's character reminded me of this Kimura Takuya drama I once watched... if only I can remember the name XD

Thank you for writing this though!
1/24/2010 c1 2Rena the pirate jedi wizard
Haha, oh, I love this story! This was great. We all knew it was Naruto, but it was simply brilliant when Hinata found out. I thought it was great. The small mentions of Temari were fun too.
10/18/2009 c1 Hokori-Hori-Chan
Heheheh... That was really good;D Ya know? That would be more funny if you add sequel; Befor, after n during hearing xD
9/18/2009 c1 kally-kal
I've been reading this fic again and again but I still love it so much! XD
6/13/2009 c1 Sora919
Whoa! That was amazing. I really like your writing style. I wish it could have been a multiple chapter story.
4/28/2009 c1 jaa
Cliffhanger, more please if it's not to much of a hassle
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