Just In
for Past, present and future

1/29/2009 c20 2Sam T
Well Done, although some spelling mistakes but I understand, the computers are a bit dodgey!
2/4/2008 c20 17Shanynde
I liked this. It was really good. Will/Djaq are so cute
1/18/2008 c20 2SickleUnicornGleek
aww! i love love love this story! so sad its finished. it was brilliant! :-)
1/18/2008 c20 2ChocolateGal16
A great end to a great story!
1/17/2008 c20 8Esmerelda Diana Parker
1/17/2008 c20 6LittleMissSparkles
Aw so cute. Love the story and love the ending.
1/17/2008 c20 Shanima
Sweet story. Liking the Djaq Will mush :)

Shanima -x-
1/16/2008 c19 2ChocolateGal16
Another great chapter!

Please update soon!
1/15/2008 c19 6LittleMissSparkles
Aw cute. YAY Luke is coming. I cannot wait to see what happens next.
1/15/2008 c19 8Esmerelda Diana Parker
aw...I liked it...
1/15/2008 c18 2ChocolateGal16
So romantic!

Please update soon!
1/15/2008 c17 ChocolateGal16
Another two great chapters!

Please update soon!
1/15/2008 c17 11SpiritOfSherwood
A dose of Will/Djaq a day keeps the crushing depression of January away.

The Spirit
1/14/2008 c17 6LittleMissSparkles
So cute. I`m so happy Will and Djaq are getting married.
1/13/2008 c15 8Esmerelda Diana Parker
this is why you don't get outlaws drunnk...good chapter by the way...
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