Just In
for The Song of Wind and Trees

7/23/2017 c3 Niha161
They finally meet!
Sasuke so cute!
Update plz!
Its so long already, I hope u still active in ur fanfic account!
I really luv this!
I'm waiting for ur new update in this story!
8/9/2014 c3 Guest
I'm not throwing rocks I like it! Please write the next chapter! ;)
8/6/2013 c3 RemedyKokoro369
More please!
1/30/2013 c3 Kai
Like. More soon please .
7/1/2012 c3 Kanaxmochi
It's an awesome story! I hope you update soon! :) *picks up a rock and throws it away* or else I guess... Lol jk
6/13/2012 c3 marianamystery
Please, please, PLEASE continue this story! Pretty please... :)
9/24/2011 c3 yukishiro08
i like fantasy story :)
8/18/2010 c3 k
what happened!are you dead!2-3 years!you cant be serious!
8/1/2010 c1 2MapleLinah
Intresting and original. Keep it up!
6/24/2010 c3 AkakoChiYuki
This story is really interesting please continue it.
4/8/2010 c3 izzy bikoukishi
please finish this story its really really good please finish it *looks at u with hopeful eyes*
3/11/2010 c3 5LovelyLorelei
The grammar and spelling needs A LOT of work (until you said you had a beta I thought otherwise), but the plot is pretty good.

But Naruto doesn't really seem all that 'kind-hearted.' Sasuke, I can tell, is less than angelic, but Naruto still seems demonic.

Also, I wouldn't have expected Lee to be a demon. That was a surprise.

Don't give on writing this. (please...?) ^^
11/3/2009 c3 3Kataru
WAHWAhwawahwah howly fowking shet, another narusasu fanta legend in the making! O_o I lab it~

do continue please... lil'saucegay is so cute.
8/13/2009 c3 joanna
i really love this =[

please continue? ino its been a while but please?
7/27/2009 c3 1rosez-have-thornz
The story is good, but if you take too long to update, readers will forget what the story is even about. I'm going to favorite it because I really like the stpry and want to know what happens next, but I hope it doesn't take so long for the next update. Great chapter anyway! I love the whole story idea. So Sasuke and Naruto are brothers then right? It's too bad Sasuke forgot meeting Naruto, I wonder when their lives will cross again. I can't wait for the next chapter! :)
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