Just In
for The Demon Assassin

3/24/2008 c24 2KuroKitt
I'm trying to keep a straight face... I think that was a great fitting end for this story, put me in a fit of laughter. I had to read over those few paragraphs again, where Sasuke ate the ring? -shakes head- I'd be depressed if I ate it, an engagement ring like that? This was a wonderful story and I can't wait your next story, at least you can finish yours. -laughs- I had a great pleasure reading this, and yes I noticed some mistakes with your writing, gramerical is all that it is so that usually goes unnoticed. Shoot even I can't type in perfect sentace structure. Its like telling a devoted Naruto fan to change the channel to watch Bleach... Maybe that wasn't the write analogy... Anyway, see you in your next story ja ne,

3/24/2008 c24 22AsamiBlackfyre
hahahaha sasuke ATE the engagement ring? wow lol way to ruin the romantic moment sasuke lololol. cute ending i liked it :)
3/24/2008 c24 10Desperatembrace
omg, where in the world did you get the idea for the ring? lol. i loved it. way too cute.
3/24/2008 c24 DarkMiko13
aww i loved the ending! it was very sweet!
3/24/2008 c24 1MiseryluvsDeath
3/24/2008 c24 5omer-yaoi-love
Oh my! I can't believe he swallowed the ring! XDD

I actually lold Oo

That was awesome X3 I liked the part after Sakura left :D

Do a sequel,do a sequel~ please~? *puppy dog face*
3/24/2008 c24 13lunarxshinobi
aw. how sweet. yet.. odd... all at the same time.
3/24/2008 c24 1arenha
AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH, such a funny chapter!~! But it was also really cute and sweet. ^^

So CUTE!~!

Can't wait for the next chapter!~!
3/24/2008 c24 shirilyle
you should do a sequal

loved the ending lol
3/24/2008 c24 Lekila
oh god. That was hilarious! You wrote an awesome story.

3/24/2008 c24 6EmoLollipop

yes, sasuke does like Naruto's present X3 tee hee! lol

"I'm actually going to wear a ring that came from your ass..." XD that cracked me up. Xp lol
3/24/2008 c24 84Miah-Chan
LMAO, I love it! It was adorable and...and...damn I can't even explain how wonderful this fic was! =D I loved the ending especially. That was too funny.

Great work all around!
3/24/2008 c24 11Joni-Lee
lmao great ending!

sasuke ate the ring! xD
3/24/2008 c24 DarkRavie
Wonderful story. Thanks for writing and sharing it.
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