Just In
for The Demon Assassin

12/28/2013 c24 Guest
LMFAO! That ending... O.o loved it but... WOW just WOW. Still can't stop laughing.
10/8/2013 c24 1Lady Spain
The ending was epic! Love it!
9/10/2013 c24 2moocow4me
8/22/2013 c24 7the-darker-side-of-things
hehehehe :3 awesome story exept for the very beginning were sasue and sakura kissed but I liked the name u gave her :D
7/29/2013 c24 Ninaloveanime
the ending was hilarious! XD I had fun reading this! :D
3/19/2013 c24 sweetiesugar
omg so cute! Im drowning in fluff i can't breathe!
there was only one thing that really bothered me about this fic- you kept getting the 'off's and 'of's mixed up. I dont know if you did that intentionally because you thought it was correct or if it was on accident but all i know is that it annoyed the hell out of me; you should change it.
But all in all it was great read!
1/8/2013 c24 ougley
that was a good ending :) I laughed a lot , thank you
11/7/2012 c1 iloveanime
LOVE the kyuubi/naruto thing going on there!
8/11/2012 c24 Guest
'I'm actually going to wart a ring that came from your ass.' oh my god that killed me XD cool story I loved the humor and flow to it, very talented.
5/20/2012 c13 6Waterbender of the South
Yes! Bash that Sakura! Bash her! BASH HER!

Yay! Fluff'
5/7/2012 c24 sadasdasda
i love happy endings i just love them.

i really liked this story i thing it had good charter development and plot line.
5/7/2012 c15 sadasdasda
like me!
5/7/2012 c14 TheNightKitsune
what a bitch
4/27/2012 c24 1Felishy-Chan
3/28/2012 c1 sadasdasda
about god damn time
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