12/5/2011 c24
5Sasuki Mizu Uchiha Uzumaki
Couldn't Sasuke just have puked the ring out? o_O Lol! Hilarious scene! I couldn't stop laughing! Teehee!

Couldn't Sasuke just have puked the ring out? o_O Lol! Hilarious scene! I couldn't stop laughing! Teehee!
7/27/2011 c22
28Hakudoushi kawaii ne
I tried to look passed the spelling errors but damn you're making it hard for me. There are so many grammar/tense/and spelling errors. Add to that the major OOCness and Naruto's strange change of moods. I guess what I mean by that is I'd want elaboration (about everything really, or at least let me know some of the characters' thoughts) and for you to get a beta.
I find it very odd that I found this, in its current state, amongst my favorites...

I tried to look passed the spelling errors but damn you're making it hard for me. There are so many grammar/tense/and spelling errors. Add to that the major OOCness and Naruto's strange change of moods. I guess what I mean by that is I'd want elaboration (about everything really, or at least let me know some of the characters' thoughts) and for you to get a beta.
I find it very odd that I found this, in its current state, amongst my favorites...
5/4/2011 c24
Rofl I'm going to wear a ring that comes from ur ass! Haha that was so funny! Love it! So does this mean that naruto and sasuke gave up being ninjas? XD

Rofl I'm going to wear a ring that comes from ur ass! Haha that was so funny! Love it! So does this mean that naruto and sasuke gave up being ninjas? XD
5/3/2011 c15 Kimihearts
I still dun understand why sasuke can't recognize naruto. I mean... He even saw his blonde hair... Did naruto's looks really change that much? Haha lol anyway it's still awesome... XD
I still dun understand why sasuke can't recognize naruto. I mean... He even saw his blonde hair... Did naruto's looks really change that much? Haha lol anyway it's still awesome... XD
5/3/2011 c14 Kimihearts
Oh my gosh that bitch is sooooooo frigging annoying. Such a drama queen... *scoffs*
Oh my gosh that bitch is sooooooo frigging annoying. Such a drama queen... *scoffs*
5/3/2011 c13 Kimihearts
Omfg! That bitch Sakura! How dare she talk bout naruto like that! Screw her! Omgggg ur mean to naruto... T.T I nearly broke and cried as well when I read the part that he cried...
Omfg! That bitch Sakura! How dare she talk bout naruto like that! Screw her! Omgggg ur mean to naruto... T.T I nearly broke and cried as well when I read the part that he cried...
5/3/2011 c8 Kimihearts
Ok pause for a sec? Nobody recognized naruto when he ate ramen? I mean his mask was off. And tsunade and jiraiya instantly recognized him when he first arrived. Lols oh well...
Ok pause for a sec? Nobody recognized naruto when he ate ramen? I mean his mask was off. And tsunade and jiraiya instantly recognized him when he first arrived. Lols oh well...
5/3/2011 c3 Kimihearts
Woah! Smart kakashi! Haha hmmm a little confused about something... How did one of naruto's eye turn red? Issit because of the kyuubi? O well... Maybe it will be mentioned in the next chaps. Shall read and see! XD
Woah! Smart kakashi! Haha hmmm a little confused about something... How did one of naruto's eye turn red? Issit because of the kyuubi? O well... Maybe it will be mentioned in the next chaps. Shall read and see! XD