Just In
for The Demon Assassin

1/29/2012 c24 MyLiloITAChIassasin
hahahh... i like the ending!
1/10/2012 c14 RoadsToTake
er...errrrr... erm.. hmmmmmmmmmm
12/5/2011 c24 5Sasuki Mizu Uchiha Uzumaki
Couldn't Sasuke just have puked the ring out? o_O Lol! Hilarious scene! I couldn't stop laughing! Teehee!
7/27/2011 c22 28Hakudoushi kawaii ne
I tried to look passed the spelling errors but damn you're making it hard for me. There are so many grammar/tense/and spelling errors. Add to that the major OOCness and Naruto's strange change of moods. I guess what I mean by that is I'd want elaboration (about everything really, or at least let me know some of the characters' thoughts) and for you to get a beta.

I find it very odd that I found this, in its current state, amongst my favorites...
7/12/2011 c1 jetsonastro24
Kyuubi is burnt orange, and burnt orange is nice to look at HOOK 'EM!
5/4/2011 c24 7Kimihearts
Rofl I'm going to wear a ring that comes from ur ass! Haha that was so funny! Love it! So does this mean that naruto and sasuke gave up being ninjas? XD
5/4/2011 c20 Kimihearts
Okayyy who was the guy who told sasuke about naruto anyway?
5/3/2011 c17 Kimihearts
I see. So his whiskermarks are hidden... Lol
5/3/2011 c15 Kimihearts
I still dun understand why sasuke can't recognize naruto. I mean... He even saw his blonde hair... Did naruto's looks really change that much? Haha lol anyway it's still awesome... XD
5/3/2011 c14 Kimihearts
Oh my gosh that bitch is sooooooo frigging annoying. Such a drama queen... *scoffs*
5/3/2011 c13 Kimihearts
Omfg! That bitch Sakura! How dare she talk bout naruto like that! Screw her! Omgggg ur mean to naruto... T.T I nearly broke and cried as well when I read the part that he cried...
5/3/2011 c8 Kimihearts
Ok pause for a sec? Nobody recognized naruto when he ate ramen? I mean his mask was off. And tsunade and jiraiya instantly recognized him when he first arrived. Lols oh well...
5/3/2011 c6 Kimihearts
Wowwww kyuubi and shukaku? This is pure genius idea! XD
5/3/2011 c4 Kimihearts
Pweet! U made "yasuo" so hawt! I love his personality! Haha xD
5/3/2011 c3 Kimihearts
Woah! Smart kakashi! Haha hmmm a little confused about something... How did one of naruto's eye turn red? Issit because of the kyuubi? O well... Maybe it will be mentioned in the next chaps. Shall read and see! XD
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