Just In
for The Demon Assassin

1/13/2008 c2 9Yumekui7
aww that was awesome! xD this is fun i love these kinda stories xDupdate soon! plz adn thanx! ^.^
1/13/2008 c2 6EmoLollipop
AW! A kiss.^^ geez, naruto must look really different if Sakura and Kakashi can't recognize him. I just have one question, why is one of his eyes red. The idea is cool for naruto, i just don't understand how he got it.
1/13/2008 c2 31Smori
hahahaha. he kissed him! just like that!
1/13/2008 c2 26IceCreamXD
Lol! That was good, although, you did forget to put capitalization on a few dialogues, but besides that, everything else was fine! ^_^ Continue soon, Can't wait :P
1/13/2008 c2 45Jadej.j
M...Naruto wants Sasuke :) nice chapter :)
1/11/2008 c1 Levin
sounds interesting. keep going.
1/11/2008 c1 2SilentKiller1
fianlly naruto leaves. i can agree with the nine-tails
1/10/2008 c1 2Eztli
yay another story from you...i think this story is going good i love narus attitude...i also love that kyuube is on the story...ooh ya i forgot to tell you um sasuke kissing sakura?and ino?is he a whore...
1/10/2008 c1 necrophile
ew! jesus christ, could you at least have given a sasusaku warning? i am so scarred right now x.x
1/10/2008 c1 45Jadej.j
A good start but still I can't see Sasuke cuddling with Sakura like that...:)
1/10/2008 c1 26IceCreamXD
Ohh. Nice story. Good plotline by the way. I liked how the story progressed throughout time, and how it came to be. Hope you write more soon! Looking forward to your next chapter! :P ^_^
1/10/2008 c1 11The sKapegoat
I love it so far! update asap! I must read more!
1/10/2008 c1 6EmoLollipop
This was a really good story.^^ i can't wait until the next chapter. The only part that confused me was the part about what he was wearing. Other than that it made sense and I liked it.^^ great job!
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