Just In
for The Demon Assassin

5/3/2011 c2 7Kimihearts
What a cliffy! Lols yes it's so sweet! And u should have just killed Sakura off! Rawr.
5/3/2011 c1 Kimihearts
Looks interesting! Shall continue reading! For once naruto is being a little selfish and thinking for himself xD
3/18/2011 c24 xblackwingedangelx
Awsome story ! I love the part about the demons checking if the others are ' loyal ' . That was a great idea .
1/19/2011 c3 yasha
i read seven chapters and gave up at the sight of the grammar. your story is good but it would be better without the mistakes. please find a beta who will check all the chapters for mistakes and correct your grammatical errors as soon as possible and reupload every chapter.
12/19/2010 c23 11Neko-Chan NyaNya
I just love the part when naruto reveals himself to sasuke and then that whole hugging scene it gave me a warm fuzzy feeling
12/17/2010 c5 Neko-Chan NyaNya
i like the story line a few spelling mistakes but nothing serious =D
12/15/2010 c24 4Thisismedealwithit
Really awesome story. i read i all in one day. its amazing.
8/13/2010 c24 Fox175
? is it complete?
8/4/2010 c24 IUM
oh dear... sasu-chan swallowed a ring... anyways, i realy lurrrrved this story! thank you for posting this great fanfic! this is going staright to my favs
3/16/2010 c24 Narutoluvr9
awesome story!
3/9/2010 c24 Kami No Raijin
OMG Hillaroius!
3/7/2010 c1 Kami No Raijin
lol i read this but i lodst it again now i found it!
1/1/2010 c24 18racooncity
okay that was more than hilarious. Can't believe I read 24 chapters nonstop O.O rarely happen, that one.

Okay. Some spelling mistakes on the way from first chapter, as I recalled...but it's not that important :)

Grammar. Hmm, I don't focus much on that one, and well, even MY grammar sucked. :D peace.

Short for short, this is one interesting stuff to read 8D intrigued on how THE Naruto (the 'emo', sad boy who kept a sad aura around him when he was young) changed SO far to a cool guy XDD Love Yasuo, lol. Good job!
7/31/2009 c24 3Stellar-TheFanGirl
like oh my gosh!i totally in love with this chapter!no, with this story!its totally awessome, sweet and hot!kya!

i love it!good job!
7/31/2009 c9 Stellar-TheFanGirl
and likw wow, kyuubi and naru is such a perv!but i'm guessing naruto is so hot like fire-lava-hot!

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