7/3/2009 c24 Idiots-Rule-The-World
OH MY GOD! this story was hella funny! i really liked the last 2 chapters, they were funny and i loved the story! i like the way you write, and i loved the story cuz' it was different then most other narusasu fanfics like it.
OH MY GOD! this story was hella funny! i really liked the last 2 chapters, they were funny and i loved the story! i like the way you write, and i loved the story cuz' it was different then most other narusasu fanfics like it.
6/17/2009 c3 beth
there are only so many grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes one can take before they just quit reading.
there are only so many grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes one can take before they just quit reading.
6/8/2009 c24
9Hidden In The Darkness 15
I was laughing all the way through the end of the last chapter, but Naruto's last line actually knocked me out of my chair! Ass ring! You are a genius.
~Au revior et salut~

I was laughing all the way through the end of the last chapter, but Naruto's last line actually knocked me out of my chair! Ass ring! You are a genius.
~Au revior et salut~
5/17/2009 c18 CrystaLiiine
you have a lot of spelling and grammer errors. You switch from third person to first person at wronge times.despite all of these flaws (which really tke away from the story)i like this story... surprisingly.
you have a lot of spelling and grammer errors. You switch from third person to first person at wronge times.despite all of these flaws (which really tke away from the story)i like this story... surprisingly.
4/26/2009 c24
Congrats for finishing this piece of work! Yasou was cool man! But a pervert. THe engagement part was cool. WTH happened to Hinata? She's gone punk! Not that I mind much. Punk is cool. The engagement thing was MAD funny! XD Again, congrats.

Congrats for finishing this piece of work! Yasou was cool man! But a pervert. THe engagement part was cool. WTH happened to Hinata? She's gone punk! Not that I mind much. Punk is cool. The engagement thing was MAD funny! XD Again, congrats.
4/21/2009 c24 amy
i loved it hehehe the ending was kinda funny hehe
i loved it hehehe the ending was kinda funny hehe
3/28/2009 c9
10ryu no tenshi
ok this isn;t a review.
I want 2 know how to amke my own story but, I don;t know how so e-mail me at . pleas i really need help with this! and just so u know i do have 1 of these i think my screen name is cedric123 so give me a hollar! cedric out

ok this isn;t a review.
I want 2 know how to amke my own story but, I don;t know how so e-mail me at . pleas i really need help with this! and just so u know i do have 1 of these i think my screen name is cedric123 so give me a hollar! cedric out
3/25/2009 c22 cedric
wiered ass
wiered ass
3/25/2009 c19 ryu no tenshi
yo u should cut the gay shit its freking me out and 2 ask r u gay in any way? naruxhina is better or any 1 else
yo u should cut the gay shit its freking me out and 2 ask r u gay in any way? naruxhina is better or any 1 else