Just In
for Harry Potter and the Other World

3/30/2014 c9 58ElementalNinja 84
2/21/2014 c5 Gaben
There has literally never been a good story fanfic written in which you can just summon other people. It makes everything so utterly fucking retarded if all it takes to win a fight is just fucking pull other people around.
10/21/2013 c9 ak
il était sur de retrouver les DEs à poudlard quand il serait de retour!
alors pourquoi ne pas les avoir éliminés quand il en avait l'occasion?
5/1/2013 c9 10Darklight-phoenix
Sequel? Or at least a oneshot, with harry, hermione and ron having a chat with the pevensies?
4/13/2013 c9 3C.B. Weasley
Aaaahhhhh! OMG that was amazing! Please tell me there is a sequel! AMAZING! I love your writing! Have you ever thought of publishing your own book? If you do PM me and I will read it and show it to all of my friends! I love your work!
xoxo C. B. Weasley
4/1/2013 c9 Alex347520
is there gonna be a sequel?because that fanfic was absolutely awesome!
3/16/2013 c9 2GreenDrkness
Wow EPIC that was a good ending
Keep on the writes
12/31/2012 c9 burbur
i love this story i hope you make a seaquel for prince caspian for this story
10/29/2012 c9 bur bur
i hope you make a seaqul
10/4/2012 c9 Maya
IS THERE GONNA BE A SEQUEL? That was the EPICEST THING EVER! Need more... I hate cliffhangers, especially at the end of stories. Please, Please, PLEASE, write more!
9/1/2012 c9 1WolfDarkfur
Really good, love the deep magic part. Also love Aslan and Harry interacting.
6/17/2012 c9 15Nyumun

Tu historia me deja sin palabras.
5/2/2012 c9 11Syrlai
That part in the movie when they were getting crowned always made me cry, it never fails. Sorry to say, I can't remember where Harry, Ron and Hermoine had said that quote to Voldemort. I can't remember it from the books but I know I heard it in the movie. Brilliant, just brilliant.
5/2/2012 c5 Syrlai
Ha! Bellatrix finally got owned! Not that she ever was since she was going to be by Mrs. weasley but nonetheless that was still awesome!
5/2/2012 c4 Syrlai
Sir Harry, the Purger. Nice, really nice.
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