Just In
for Harry Potter and the Other World

3/7/2009 c9 SailorNova007
this was brilliant please write a sequel
1/18/2009 c9 IamSmirchedWithInk
Great story!

i really loved it...

i hope there's a sequel, even though voldemort is dead and the the final battle already happened, but there's still prince caspian for narnia, and i hope you, and your brilliant mind can make up a good plot for harry potter...

good job and keep on writing!
12/14/2008 c9 1lauthom
Fantastic crossover. I love it. I hope you continue with Prince Caspian as the next installment / sequel!
8/18/2008 c1 1evertime
I love it. Better than all the books by J. K. Rowling!
8/14/2008 c9 1Magician Girl Mirani
Really cool story you've come up with here.

HP/Narnia stories are always really interesting but this one is just brilliant.

Please review soon and good luck with the next chapter.
6/27/2008 c9 5Hotgirlow
Hey can't wait till this is updated and they all go to Narnia again.
6/12/2008 c9 4Star Empire
Great story. Thank you for writing it.
6/7/2008 c9 26clhpfan12341234567
6/2/2008 c9 3Shadow Zeranion
Well this is interesting so far. I wonder what you'll do for the next chapter :3
5/30/2008 c9 Proof of Nothing
Yay! I just love this story! =D Will there be pairings? And if so, can you make it slash for Harry, please? Update soon! =)
5/29/2008 c9 7SkullzNbutterflies
Wow! This is amazing! I love it so far ur continuing right?
5/27/2008 c9 6Chooser of the Slain
By Harry Potter's time, isn't Peter dead? The only one that survived "The Last Battle" was Susan...
5/27/2008 c9 Kaylen Cooper
5/27/2008 c9 76Alydia Rackham
Is this the end? If it is, it's a smashing one. If it's not, it's a great beginning! :) Very well written.
5/26/2008 c9 18mae-E
That was a really awesome way to end it!

you did such a great job.

So are you going to start on one that mirrors the new movie?

keep up the great work!
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