Just In
for Ten Zillion ways to PISS OFF SKY!

7/22/2015 c3 8FashionStyle02
I didn't like it very much because of Sky. I don't like reading stories love like. Bloom and Sky love each other and Sky would never hut Bloom. For example, seasons 1,2,3,4,5,6. In my offense in season 1 I know Bloom was upset when Sky lied to her, but he had to switch names for his safety. Thank for understanding.
11/26/2013 c3 flora from winx
i like bloom as my 3rd fav character and sky as my lest fav guy [no offence] but this story is amazing!
2/26/2013 c3 LizaTaveras
LMFAO when are you going you make another
11/1/2012 c3 4DragonSpark536
i've got one, make Sky and Bloom go to the cinima, while you put Diaspro toys, clothes and make-up in his room, when they come back they are about to make out but Bloom see's all the stuff and throws him out of the window as she kisses a Sky doll and says REST IN 'PEACE' lol
6/20/2012 c1 dane
I hate you you fucking aholes this is suppost to be a FANfic not a negitive dumb ass fic
7/27/2010 c3 1RhythmicalMusa


make more chapters plz XD
7/27/2010 c2 RhythmicalMusa
lol omg woww

i cant stop laughing wen sky put the tape to timmy's computer

and said'' Timmy turns on his computer and Sky's voice say's, Timmy you are good at turning me on. ''

XD it was awesome lmao
7/27/2010 c1 RhythmicalMusa
wow this is funny XD

good chapter ;D
9/1/2009 c3 5RedRose207
LOVE IT! I hate Sky and Bloom so this story is one of my favorites. Please add more.
6/5/2008 c3 sam
iv got an idea riven is pissed off at bloom so he tells sky that she is having an affair with him and timmy hated bloom to so he goes in on it and then they push him off the balcony.

sounds gay i know but im just trying to contribute.
1/28/2008 c2 SkySmasher
U R so right! DIE SKY, DIE! He should really go make out with a fuzzy rabit! Or better yet, Hang him from his ears in the courtyard! THen, dump boiling tar and throw feathers on him! Pinata! YAY **off SKY!
1/28/2008 c3 PrettyPenny
HA ha! LUV it! Write more! MORE I say! HA HA Ha! I crack my self up! I'm having a sugar rush!
1/26/2008 c3 Lady Xovern
lol! luv it. I would have said "Dress up as Bloom and push Sky out of an airplane" but... okay.
1/26/2008 c3 1HatHairJohnny
Lol omfg so funny :D I loled over 10 times!
1/25/2008 c3 1She Who Is Death
I love the Riven-Beat-Sky ones! They are s damn funny, please write more ways.

Oh, and YAY! Another BLOOM HATER! You can check out my Bloom-Bashing fic.

Oh, please piss off Sky and that bitch of a princess more!
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