Just In
for Peach!

11/11/2018 c7 7Kaito Echizen

Kaito is hungry wants to eat
6/21/2014 c7 hoshimiokamihime
I really like your story so far and would really love it if you update again sometime soon. Keep up the good work _
6/2/2012 c7 3yunaisu
i'll be looking forward for the next chapter! XD

by the way, nice job zeie honey-san!
6/2/2012 c6 yunaisu
this chapter is freaking cute.. and honestly, i also wanna cuddle natsume.. he's so kawaiiii..
6/1/2012 c2 yunaisu
ryoma and ryoga's moments cuddling and teasing each other is so cute!

i hope there'll be moments like that in the anime too. sighs*

anyway, nice chapter! XD
11/9/2009 c7 KazeShi2
plz update, i really love this story!
7/18/2009 c7 10HelloDoomsday
Yo. Just thought about finally reading this fic. Frankly, the latest alert on this was just waiting for me to click it. Sigh. Anyway, to the review!

There are stuffs that I kinda notice:

1. Wasn't Oishi supposed to be Ryoma's opponent and Ryoga would be Kaidoh's? I guess you kinda messed up the pairs/opponents. Be careful with that.

2. Ryoma is kinda out of character, especially the part at the rooftop when he and Sakuno were eating lunch together. JUST THE TWO OF THEM. Sakuno has his number too. I think it was a bit abrupt for me.

3. I have a question. Why is Ryoga hanging around the junior high tennis club? Are the junior high club and high school club in union? It's kinda strange why it was so.

4.What's the relationship between Takumi and the Haninozuka's? I'm just curious that he lives in their house.

5. There are dialogues that didn't start with capital letter. I don't really mind that though, however just for the sake of saying it.

I guess I forgot the others. Ah well. By the way, there's no insult intended here. I'm just saying what I noticed. However, I forgot the others.

I have my compliments also. ^^ Okay, first of all, I'm glad that you didn't use much more romaji during your progress. It kinda gave me a hard time to continue even though you had the meanings at the end of the chapter. Second, I like the flow of the story.

I guess that's all for this review! ^^ Keep it up!
6/26/2009 c7 21Dragon Reverb
Sorry, I didn't read the last two chapters, You didn't update for awhile so I took you off the alert list.. but than I'm back so UPDATE!
6/18/2009 c7 3Ayumu A

So touching..


Love this story so much..


I'm waiting 4 next chapter..

Keep writing,,k!


6/18/2009 c6 bluebird07
I love your story. :]

Keep writing!
6/7/2009 c6 23XxLeopardPrintxX
I like it!

Write more soon!

4/23/2009 c6 Yappi666
I.L.O.V.E.Y.O.U.R.S.T.O.R.Y...!please update as soon as you can! PLEASE!
1/3/2009 c6 LuckySock
It's great!

Update soon please!

I can't wait to see what will happen next!
11/21/2008 c6 shatteredxcrystals
heya! Luvin your story! hope you can update soon!
11/20/2008 c6 AKA.Girl
Yeah! you updated! how nice... hehe ryoga is jealous... i wonder what happened between set-chan and fuyumi...

can't wait for the next chapter! LOVE the story!
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