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for What If Cross Found Kanda Instead of Old Tiedoll?

3/29/2015 c3 Annoyed anon
You know, there's nothing wrong with asking for ideas from your readers. But the way you DEMAND them is quite pathetic. In case you fail to remember, you started this story, it's yours, so it's your responsibility to think and decide how things should go. Readers are there only to READ and give reviews.
1/28/2012 c1 Slake Honda Lol
Poor Kanda
2/11/2008 c6 34Tossino
Awesome chapter! I loved the talk between Tyki and Road. xD I can't stop love Tyki's attitude, I just can't. :P
2/10/2008 c6 Shiroikuu
This chapter long, you're good at wirting. kanda in a red dressXD, have you read saya-sama story 'temptation is a pretty lady in red dress', I was going like omg kanda is in a red dress 8O. good story hope you update so:]If you like to know there a picture on deviantart with kanda in a red dress.
2/8/2008 c6 zenbon zakura
... i can not immagin kanda in a italian and european facy dress... that would be absolutly horrifying since i don't have your immage of what a girl kanda would look like... i think... im going got be scarred for life...
2/8/2008 c6 1insertappropropriatenamehere
^^ It's 'Duke Millennium'.
2/8/2008 c6 10KiyoiYume
So.. Kanda was halluncinating Lavi? Wowie..

I heard if you halluniciante someone that means you have an obesion over them.. and how do you hallunicinate? I wanna try one day in school... -haha-
2/7/2008 c5 34Tossino
Hm... Quite interesting. I certianly do not like the idea of Kanda being a girl, but the Noah part is really interesting. There are some stuff here who doesn't go along with the manga plot, but it's a fanfiction so I shouldn't really complain. :P

Overall it's really well written and I'm looking forward for more. :)
2/6/2008 c5 zenbon zakura
... ur chapter lenght's were fine till now... what happened? they... they... they have become only 6 inches! why?
2/6/2008 c4 zenbon zakura
...its short and its already tomorrow when r u updatin? lol's
2/3/2008 c3 PeaceLiterature
kewls~! waiting for the next chapter! luv the suspense in the last sentance. hm...a pair up... LavixKanda? Or... just maybe... tykixkanda? O.O;
1/27/2008 c1 28Jasaiya Hawkins
okay...good story but i have some questions.

1)kanda is a female Noah?

2)Mugen is a sentient sword?

3)what was the reason for Bookman beating the crap out of Lavi this time?

4)wasn't Allen just out cold?

5)where's tiedoll?
1/27/2008 c3 zenbon zakura
eh? kanda noah? or prisoner?
1/26/2008 c3 Shiroikuu
o.o what the earl gonna do to kanda, lavi why u didn't help kanda here? you meanie go save him now!

i been offically rendered brain dead when my teacher tell me wirte a 50 words essay on how to improved life in school that i need to hand in tomorrow. so no idea from me..

updated soon:) now back to my essay
1/26/2008 c2 10KiyoiYume
Ooh! o.O Rhode is evil.. Yes, evil so much...

It was cool you write even better then me o_o"

All I write is drabbled and undetailed chapters that bore everybody.

And I have trouble with pairings.

and its Tiedoll, not Fridol o-o i think...
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