Just In
for Pirates of the Caribbean: A Blue Blood Entry

2/2/2008 c4 4Damascene
Good chapter, but it was a little short... I hope the next will be longer!
2/2/2008 c2 Hawk
Cool! You have Jack back! LOL! HE broke a window! LUV it! I'm going 2 start the next chapter & I bet it's going 2 be good!
2/2/2008 c1 Pirate3CornerHAT
Wow, what a great start 2 a story! I can't wait 4 the ne chapter! Everyone should read this! WRITE MORE SOON!
1/27/2008 c3 Damascene
I -am- wondering what you've done to my beloved Hector... tsk! Waiting for the next chapter. ^_^
1/25/2008 c2 Damascene
I like it - can't wait to see what happens next! I hope we see Hector again in this fic...? Oh, btw, one bit of concrit - it's van Gogh rather than Vango.
1/24/2008 c1 Damascene
That was a little confusing at first, but I got the hang of what's going on... I like it so far!

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