Just In
for Will's Rumminations

5/26/2008 c1 Lily
I thought it was brilliantly hopeful and romantic. The case for Will and Djaq was very compelling and touching. It was well written. I'm not a literary critic, but it is a story that kept my wrapt attention; and isn't that was a writer hopes for?
5/23/2008 c1 Janiqua
Wow. I don't think Allan has it in him to kill Will, but I totally understand why Will would have nightmares about it, and it's just so intense.
5/18/2008 c1 12Madame Beret

That was good!
1/28/2008 c1 xoKarine

Wonderfullu written, a gorgeous story.

LOVED it, well done =)
1/27/2008 c1 4ChiaroDiLuna
Lovely. Will's nightmares were a good touch - I can definitely believe that he would suffer from nightmares all the time.
1/27/2008 c1 343RicardianScholar Clark-Weasley
aw so sweet. if you want any ideas check out robins revenge army. but i'm warning you, you might goi nsane
1/26/2008 c1 14KeepingAmused
Nice work, I like how you made Will's loved ones flash painfully in a dream.

Very sentimental, although I don't know if Djaq would cry so easily.

But she comforted Will - which was totally in character. And I LOVE how the old and experienced RobMaz couple spotted them and.

keep writing! x
1/25/2008 c1 8Mizco
I just wanted to let you know this was a really sweet idea. Good job.
1/25/2008 c1 6LittleMissSparkles
AW so cute. Love it. :D
1/25/2008 c1 14UltimateOptimist
wow! This is really well written. Poor will (im a massive will fan but i love any will angst!) This is really sweet. great work!(sorry if that sounds patronising - i don't mean to be)
1/25/2008 c1 Shanima
I really liked this - you showed Wills POV well and it was very sweet. You should write more!

Shanima -x-

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