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for Bittersweet

5/10/2015 c1 Andy
Awwww Sow said but sweet. I love the last part, Cameron telling him she wants to try for baby.
9/28/2012 c1 30Agent Striker
that was sweet
7/9/2012 c1 Guest
amei fic linda;)
3/26/2011 c1 amanda
I mi name is Amanda and I am Brazilian and I found your fanfic "incredible. "

Good luck with your fanfics and I'm expecting more in Brazil fanfics as good as this.
12/30/2010 c1 8NickKnack
Seriously good, best i've read in a while actually! Don't usually like Chameron but this has changed that :)
12/26/2010 c1 Dellende
This is amazing. It's sweet, simple, but it's well structured, and beautiful. :D
4/20/2010 c1 12Team Rosalie
omg! luvd it! u shud so do a sequel 2 this! gr8 stry! 8]
5/28/2009 c1 Karen
I think you did an amazing job on this story. I would love to see a continuation! I thought it was wonderful!
2/12/2009 c1 5A Flicker
This could make a good show storyline, I'd love to see it take place on the show. Reading tons of C/C fics lately, I've realised I really miss Chase and Cameron. Well written. Very fluent text, interesting to read. I loved how you expressed their emotions, especially in Cameron's case.

1/1/2009 c1 42sillym3
9/28/2008 c1 3Trisha23

Oww... it was so sad, but sweet at the end. Thank you for sharing it.

Greetings from Guadalajara Mexico!
3/23/2008 c1 3LizzyHyphenWooSmilieKate
That was pretty good.
3/7/2008 c1 26BookwormKiwi
Wah! For someone who doesn't speak English as a first language, that was one of the better structured fics I've read in a while. Your apostrophes annoy me, but I have a feeling it might just be the keyboard you use...I can get over it :)

It's nicely written, I love the style. Very much third person, present tense, it creates some sort of mood that is hard to describe...

I loved how Chase seemed to become quite distant from her once the baby was gone - symbolised quite a lot. Figured Chase sort of loved her only because she gave the illusion of family, but in the end, I thin I changed my mind, he probably wasn't thinking that at all.

Anyway. Loved it :)
3/4/2008 c1 82Cable Addict

2/18/2008 c1 6ilovepeterpetrelli
I liked it. I thought it was incredibly sweet =]
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