Just In
for Distant Cousins

9/8 c15 BearSageSleeps
Praise the log! In this case Lucy offs himself legendary replacement for the win.
8/5 c19 Jacob9324
Awesome chapter I can not wait for the next one.
8/2 c1 Robbler
Well starting out, I can only advise you to correct the description of your story.
That's not a sentence anyone could understand and it is most likely keeping people from actually reading your story.

That being said, let's begin.
See ya later.
7/11 c19 6my 2 guys
that was great please continue the story I'd like to know what happens
6/27 c19 Haseo187
This story is really awesome and I hope you update again soon.
6/26 c19 Philip A Schmidt
wow glad to see you are alive and still writing. cant wait for more chapters. keep you the great job.
6/25 c19 3WhiteElfElder
It is too bad Gara had to die.
6/24 c19 3Stephane az
6/24 c19 AstralGemini
So happy to see more I quite enjoy the story
6/24 c19 Crimson Hawk Wolf
Nice how you had things in this chapter go but i wish a few things here were a bit longer or had more to it.

Im looking forward to reading the next chapter and seeing what you have in mind next.

It was a nice idea to have hanabi join them as well but i am rather surprised Konohamaru didnt also join them as well. Always fun when that kid happens to be around. His friends as well.
2/7 c18 Dragons6
Please update...its getting good.
2/1 c18 rina6362petrova
It's a very interesting story, I hope the author will write a sequel.
4/1/2023 c18 zkianpour371
Please update
9/3/2022 c18 1Celynne
Ok, I like this story, but during the sorting and in the end of the story I got annoyed. During the sorting McGonagall should say Potter Harry not Harry Potter
(and so on). Plus when the characters are in they should basically say Hyuga Hinata not Hinata Hyuga. So why?
8/10/2022 c9 Chris Tacha
Love the story. Just wanted to mention that you forgot to describe how they are dressed so we can’t understand why Molly is scandalized by how they are dressed. Keep up the good work.
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