Just In
for The Stupidity of People Amazing

4/2/2011 c1 3Areus Bookworm
Great story, loved the idea! But in your little note at the end about Marian; she didn't survive this wound because the dagger wasn't very long, so it probably didn't hit anything important (or even much important). This wound was a sword, which sliced through her and probably hit at least 1 major organ...but that's just my opinion about stab wounds.
9/21/2009 c1 23whatsthefracas
yay, another Robin Hood and True Blood fan! the part about being in heaven seemed eerily similar to the way robin's death played out. i still can't believe they killed off everyone. a little drastic, eh?
2/10/2008 c1 8Esmerelda Diana Parker
I loved was absoulutely positively great!

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