Just In
for Roses

4/14/2017 c1 Jazmin
I cry a lot, it's one of the saddest I've read
1/22/2015 c1 iStealUrCandy
/sobs my way to hell-
6/21/2014 c1 6Sleepy L. head
Though the things that inspired this are awful, this story is absolutly brilliant I shall be expecting great things from you, talented one.
6/20/2014 c1 Guest
Ugh no one can even explain what I'm going through right now this was so sad. No joke i cried this was just... my feels are dead.
9/26/2013 c1 No Longer Desired Account
TT-TT I don't know who I should feel sorry for more. Chase for losing Jack. Or Jack since he never knew that Chase cared.
6/27/2013 c1 25Fatal Overdose
I've been sobbing hysterically for the last five minutes. Really amazing.
3/16/2012 c1 4Ms Briar
Tragic. Horridly tragic
11/22/2010 c1 2ImpactManiac
*Crying* It's so sad!
9/15/2010 c1 Girseach
Roses is a very sad and very beautiful story. It is well written not only in langauge, but in that it has a message to deliver. This story made me cry, but I am very glad to have read it. Stories shouldn't just make readers feel emotion for no reason; there should be a purpose behind them. Your story has done an excellent job of bringing emotion and message together. Thank you.
5/27/2010 c1 Guest
Wow I wanted to read something angsty but that was a bit too sad for me but well writing though cause I couldn't stop reading once I started.
2/1/2009 c1 18Ashuri13
dang that was a beautiful way of remembering the school shootings and i want to say personally thank you for it i didn't know any one involved but thank you for it. it was amazing. never forget the things that make us stronger. :_) ~ Misery Ann Fear
6/25/2008 c1 Viper
My heart just broke!That was the best story I've read in a long time.
3/27/2008 c1 316521
beautifulness :3 me love this fanfic tons now! *throws can of beans at you* STOP BEING SO GOOD! :D
3/9/2008 c1 1terezilogic
Its so sad that people just go and hurt others for no reason. It was nice that you made this for the victims. It was really touching, good job!
2/26/2008 c1 4loser by choice
Man, You just know how to make people cry. Very well written, and I'm sure the dedication will be well recived.
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