Just In
for Roses

2/17/2008 c1 Freaku
They both would never know :( I really feel sorry for this tragedy I don't live in the US so I didn't know anything but still, I feel sorry :( as for the story, is beautifully written you did a very sad and lovely one-shot
2/16/2008 c1 17Lone Warrior2
That was beautiful. I don't know anything about the shooting that recently occurred. I didn't hear about it until about a day or two after it happened, but it's terrible. Another very sad fact that such a story had to be inspired by an act made by yet another mad person with guns. Still, it was beautiful, the best work I've ever read of yours.

I absolutely adored the rose and how neither of them would be able to let the other know of their feelings. The tragedy is overwhelming and one of the best feelings I ever recieve.

Thank you for your wonderful story, and though the wish is in vain, I hope another inspiration caused by a similar event never has to happen again.

2/15/2008 c1 5Shadir
*Snif* Bua You *snif* are *snif* evil! *cry* T_T
2/15/2008 c1 63Akatsuki Feathers
-rubs away tears-

Such emotion and such lovely words.

I think you really got the emotion of such an event down to a tee.

I'm sorry I can't really express how I feel about this.


It's wonderful and yet so sad; my thoughts are kind of jumbled.
2/15/2008 c1 21xxFireWarriorxx
Beautiful. Just beautiful. *sniffle* This was utterly amazing! So sad but... amazingly written. The description was astounding and you captured the emotions perfectly...

I loved it. *wipes tears away* This was amazing!


*FAVES* :)
2/15/2008 c1 24halfhuman123
Wow. That... that was simply amazing. I loved it, and I really hope you do write more, though, maybe something happy someday?
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