Just In
for You Know Who Your Mates Are

5/12/2010 c1 2k+Hawki
-I suppose this story primarily relies on context to work, though it's only the Carling context I'm familiar with and that's courtesy of YouTube. Anyway, story doesn't call for anything fancy, but there's a few slips of pacing (different lines should be used when different people start talking) and ITS should be IT'S.

For what it's worth, I wouldn't worry about plagarism. Even outside fanfiction, what counts as original is dubious and as no secret is made of the story's source, it's been validated...or something. 0_0
2/25/2008 c1 13TheShyMonster
I like that advert i think it's cute as was this
2/23/2008 c1 7Aswen
I loved this, it was really funny, it's nice to have the plot of the advert with characters we know the history to.
2/17/2008 c1 36Musings of a Shaken Mind
I loved it. That advert was on, literally, two minutes ago.

Great timing!

2/17/2008 c1 9RocMySox
yay will and djaq yay allan yay carlin yay birthdays yay allan yay love your story it soo cool you shou;ld write more
2/16/2008 c1 6LittleMissSparkles
Great story even if its semi-plagiarism. YAY Allan had a great birthday.:D

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