Just In
for To Serve And Protect

4/24/2021 c30 Xtine410
Great story so far! I hope you come back to it and finish it.
9/30/2020 c30 Starreaderxd
you can't end the story there! please, I know that probably you won't read this but if you do please updateeee!
1/29/2016 c30 Emmerys
you cant end there! Keep going, pretty please!
1/10/2013 c30 i'm walking on sunshine
please update soon
2/22/2012 c30 4LadyofHuntingandHobbits
Aaahh! I love this story SO much! Please update, I cant wait to find out what happens next!
2/19/2011 c30 Rachel K
I really hope you'll continue with this story! I absolutely ADORE it, just so you know :)
4/21/2010 c2 25luvmyangelofmusic
i am really confused.

i thought allan died in the prequel?

please expain.
12/31/2009 c30 ollyrin
i know you havent updated in forever but i just wanted to subscribe incase you ever did. anyways i think your story is really great and i cant wait to see if you ever finish it x
7/8/2009 c1 deleted123789543
Btw Will Scarlett, Djaq'd husband thing is the one who fights with two axes not Allan, anyways love it!

AlLeYwAyQuEeN :)
6/29/2009 c30 10Miss.Hood
This is very good! I hope that Djaq and Will can have a baby soon. You know, they should have twins! Or triplets! But hey that's just a suggestion. Your writing is very well rounded and I noticed in one of your comments that you weren't sure what the point to this story, but hey! There doesn't have to be a point to all stories. As long as you have fun writing, that's all that matters.
5/24/2009 c30 28DestinChild
Oh I know its been a while but please continue your story. It is brilliant and I wan to se everyone married off with kids and happily living where they belong.
5/8/2009 c30 4elven-storyteller
A very good story. I hope everything workds out for Djaq and Will, the Sheriff's stab probable did a lot of damage.
3/13/2009 c30 bkwrm
I just read both stories in two days! I hope that you plan on continuing soon. I really, really want Djaq and Will to have a baby.
1/26/2009 c30 2HighPriestessOfTheDreamWorld
Are you not updating this story? It's really good and so was the previous one. Please consider updating.
10/17/2008 c30 4This-Little-Mermaid
It's been forever please please please post an update this is one of the best stories iv ever read on fanfic and I wan't to no wats gonna happen next.
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