Just In
for The Drama of being a teenager

1/16/2009 c3 1Kazziiex
Oh my gosh this is really good. Plz hurry up and update. Can't wait from more. Loving it so far. =]
8/1/2008 c3 28onemilliongoldstars
This is getting interresting! Plz update!
5/17/2008 c3 GingerBookworm
It's a great start!
4/12/2008 c3 HereNoLonger likey a lot!

Update soon!
2/23/2008 c3 6LittleMissSparkles
Love the story Hope the gang wins.
2/23/2008 c2 1TraRo
really good chapter. everyone else, myself included, has made Marian angry at Robin upon his return. but i like how your story is different and she's happy. nice.
2/22/2008 c2 6LittleMissSparkles
Love the story. I agree with allan why does it always take Will and Djaq so long to get together.
2/19/2008 c1 1TraRo
really good - i like it. more robin/marian
2/19/2008 c1 14KeepingAmused

Loving Djaq's attitude. very in tune with her character.

update! x
2/19/2008 c1 6LittleMissSparkles
Love the story. YAY Will and Djaq like each other. Allan is so funny.

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