Just In
for Dangerous Business

7/2/2014 c1 Ed 18
Kanda/Yuu-chan appears 2 be an hawt lady in this story . what happens if you write a scene Lavi and Yuu are having "IT"?XD
5/25/2012 c2 1MattHatterGoneMad
I Really love what you have done with this fanfiction and the pairing. I think i say this for everyone who reads this fanfic, thank you so much for making this its awsoeme! By the way my name is Ellen-chan if you have spare time or are bored please check out my account and read my fanfictions, and review if you like them.


6/20/2008 c2 4whatthehellwasithinkin
Wow, ok so they're at her place now. You should make it France, after all,isn't the series in some European country? Anyhow, try rading the manga agin, you might come up with something :P
6/15/2008 c2 2Ai Minamoto
Yay! An update! I think Allen would get lost if he went to Kanda's mansion.(laugh) I don't really have any suggestions, maybe a room similar to the room in the Black order? update soon!
6/14/2008 c2 2SilentKiller1
hot tub in it?
3/28/2008 c1 2Ai Minamoto
I like the story! I think Kanda is going to regret letting Lavi stay at her mansion.(evil laugh) I can't wait for the next chapter!
2/28/2008 c1 Shiroikuu
I don't understand what 'black order underover' is about but I like this story:D Too bad lavi can't live with someone else, but lavi staying at kanda mansion is going to be the worse days of kanda life or maybe not.n_n
2/24/2008 c1 7KiyaMadarame

A bit too many repetitions of names, though... I don't know ^^

But I want the next chapter!

Update soon and get better~
2/23/2008 c1 4whatthehellwasithinkin
but then again, Lavi's always been a perv :P

Not bad, is Black Order UIndercover complete? If not, please continue it, youe've pecked at my curiosity :P
2/23/2008 c1 2SilentKiller1
2/22/2008 c1 zenbon zakura
hahah omg! live this part

“Allen’s getting his ass kicked by Cross, Komui’s going to kill me if I even ask, Krory and Miranda are in depressions and I don’t want to be killed in an accident or something.”

hahahahaahaah OMG hurry update!
2/22/2008 c1 14Tokiya
I love the way you describe Kanda!

She's so cute in her own way, and Lavi's

quite a pervert.

Plz update soon (^-^)
2/22/2008 c1 Karush
LOL sounds funny!

Yuu/Rabi(Lavi) is the best! and FemaleKanda is soo Cute!

Update soon!


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