Just In
for Excuse

11/16/2008 c1 Bittenfeld
This was really cute. You've caught Dean's personality and frame of mind very well. I like the "jack o'lantern whose insides had just been dumped." That's exactly how Dean would feel - and exactly how he'd express it!
3/2/2008 c1 Lovetoread89
Wow, this was a really original idea for a story, great job! It's really interesting that you took what should have been a crazy notion (Dean being glad that his Father was missing) and turned it into something that made perfect sense! Lol I love the twisted Winchester logic! Thanks for sharing!
2/25/2008 c1 9Kaimi Hoshi
AW! -hugs Dean- Awesome work.
2/25/2008 c1 2wolfGirl812
nice little story thought or what ever u would call this
2/25/2008 c1 83sammygirl1963
You know, from the words you wrote-you could just feel the relief that Dean felt just knowing that he was going to get his baby brother-that all would be right with the world again!

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