Just In

3/13/2009 c18 Pureblood Vampire C.C14
Hello! i love this story that u have made its very interesting and i like it lol I cant wait to see what u put for the next part of the story! Good Luck on it and i hope we could talk more later if thats okay ^^
3/4/2009 c19 48xxpatixx
aww i thought i was a chapter will i cant wati to see new moon i hope they dont mess it up like the twilight they made me cry case they messed it up so bad... anways i cant wati for ur next chapter! bye for now!
1/6/2009 c18 4Labyrinth'Rozetta
nice chappie xDD

update update soon
12/29/2008 c18 meow114
i like this story i hope the night class find out about yuki's (wings/powers) soon. kanameXyuki FTW :P
12/10/2008 c18 1Crikeywhathappened


Love it OMG so good

Can't wait for you to update!

Toya x
12/1/2008 c18 3Refrigerator-Burn
happy turkey day to you too! and no its nice! (i can see her saying that too!) but anyway,i think you should of done more with the dance and them talking... but i really like it! it was very nice! please update a little more though... im sop bored. i was sick so im so ready for something other than make up work. SAVE ME! aka- UPDATE!

thanks! love you!
11/29/2008 c18 amy
Love the story, please keep updating! :)
11/28/2008 c18 6Ashlyn Darke
HAppy Turkey Day! Can't wait for 19!
11/28/2008 c2 33PeachyQ73
Poor Yuki. Please hurry and add more chapters. What is Kaname going to say to her. Also by the way, how did Zero die?
11/27/2008 c18 48xxpatixx
ya i loved it! i cant wati for more! plaese update soon i real like this story
11/6/2008 c1 33PeachyQ73
Ok, I just got done ready your story and I'm dyeing to find out what happens to Yuki, Kaname, and Ichiru. Please hurry and add more chapters. I'm dying here!
10/9/2008 c17 1Sayoko-chan09
omgs u really need to update your story! its interesting..but you really really need to continue it please!

10/6/2008 c17 4Labyrinth'Rozetta
PLEASE UPDATE! its october now . PLEASE UPDATE! cant wait for th next chapter !
10/1/2008 c17 Itachi-Truly-Is-Evil
i hope you update soon im really into it right now
8/31/2008 c17 sdf2w3e5vlwef

This fic should really be Hurt/Comfort/Comedy.

This made me fall out of mah chair laughing.

Luv Aido.


AW! every1 cept Shiki falls for her. which is good cause Shiki belongs w/Rima.



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