Just In

3/24/2008 c10 189YenGirl
Haha, that trio is so cute, the way they keep pestering Yuuki to sing for Kaname...

And here is Sara again! Gr... *glares at her*

And Yuuki, cracking up like that - you go, girl!

Wow, Kaname - punish me anytime, LOL!
3/23/2008 c11 Crimson Warmth
omg i love it it's certainly new! i love it and i have absolutely nothing to add onto it because to me it's perfect.
3/23/2008 c11 2Death's-Razor-Blade
hm...I'm debating if I like it or not...;)JK

3/22/2008 c11 48xxpatixx
love it! update asap!
3/22/2008 c10 whitefangkitty2
Who! write more, this is a good storie!
3/22/2008 c10 2Death's-Razor-Blade
Oh my...

3/21/2008 c10 48xxpatixx
i love it! that was so awsome! you so have to update asap!plaese!
3/21/2008 c9 Skylea
Well this took an interesting turn! Can't wait to see what happens at Kaname's birthday! Great Job!
3/20/2008 c9 189YenGirl
Wow... *spaces out imagining Yuuki with white wings*

Agh, you fainted, how could you? Kaname was just saying this could be dangerous... never mind, Ichijo Takuma will protect you, right? *winks*

*rubs hands in gleeful expectation at the thought of Kaname's upcoming birthday party*

Hey, I planned on doing a similar chapter too, you know? *pouts*
3/20/2008 c8 YenGirl
Ahaha, I liked that Yuuki has spirit to even talk back to Kaname, esp when it comes to Sara *glares at Sara*

Does Takuma really have a high pitched voice, LOL! I think he's quite cute, actually...

Not too sure about that bird actually, do you know, I initially thought it was Zero's spirit or something... *looks sad coz still pining for the silver haired boy*
3/20/2008 c9 2Death's-Razor-Blade
Oh my...

3/20/2008 c1 amy smith
i loved it i dont own vampire Knight but i read them on if you haven't already you show write more on this one or start a new.
3/19/2008 c9 48xxpatixx
ya 2 update in one day that was asome and funny poor Yuki i hope she will sing for them. will i love it as alway updatea asap!
3/19/2008 c8 xxpatixx
asome! love it update asap! i cant wait to see what happens nexts^^
3/19/2008 c7 Megan Elyse
Nice chapter!
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